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March 20, 2018
DATE: March 20, 2018              TIME: 7:00            LOCATION: Town Hall Annex
Attendance: Chairman Brian Keevan, John Vieira, Ron Thompson, Barbara Laughlin, Rachael Catlow, and Susan Mitchell
Brian Keevan called the meeting to order at 6:58 PM.
Votes taken in the following actions are ”all in favor” unless noted otherwise.
Public Hearings:
Item 1: A public hearing for 23 Hubbardson Road for Manero Realty Trust/Nabil Roufail (DEP File # Not yet issued) was continued from the February 20, 2018 meeting and no representative attended the meeting.  This NOI will be continued at the April 17, 2018 meeting.
Item 2:  A public hearing for 91 Ball Hill Road (DEP File # 267-0403) was continued from the February 20, 2018 meeting.  Andrew Brown presented updated plans to the Commission.  Mr. Brown also presented correspondence from the Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) indicating that the project is not prohibited.  This NOI will be continued at the April 17, 2018 meeting pending an updated NOI and associated Plan(s) from the applicant.
Item 3: A public hearing for 305 Redemption Rock Trail (NEADS) (DEP File # 267-0401) was continued from the February 20, 2018 meeting.  Zack Gless presented a construction narrative, storm water analysis, and details of an underground storm water collection/infiltration basin.  The Commission issued an Order of Conditions for this NOI submittal.
Item 4: A public hearing for 221 Beaman Road (DEP File # 267-0404) was continued from the February 20, 2018 meeting.  Revised plans dated March 14, 2018 were submitted and presented by Karen Keegan.  The scope of work includes the demolition of a single family residence and construction of a new house, upgrade of septic system, and installation of a new potable well.  The Commission issued an Order of Conditions with Special Conditions including complying with the more stringent conditions in case there are conflicting conditions from separate permitting agencies.
Item 5: A public hearing was opened for Lot 3 on Pine Hill Road (DEP File # 267-0405).  A Site Plan was submitted and presented by Matt Marro.  The NOI is for the construction of a single family home, potable well and site grading within the buffer zone.  Mickey Splaine, as an abutter, presented a plan from the Princeton Planning Board dated September 16, 2009 showing the configuration of this lot and adjacent Lot 4A.  Due to heavy snow cover, a site walk could not be conducted prior to the March 20, 2018 meeting.  This NOI will be continued at the April 17, 2018 meeting and a site visit will be scheduled prior to the April meeting date.    
Item 6: A public hearing was opened for Lot 4A on Pine Hill Road (DEP File # 267-0406).  A Site Plan dated February 15, 2018 and Wetland Replication Plan dated February 20, 201 were submitted and presented by Matt Marro.  The NOI is for the construction of a 12-foot wide driveway and culvert within a wetland and also 1,200 square feet of wetland replication area on abutting Lot 3 to the east.  Due to heavy snow cover, a site walk could not be conducted prior to the March 20, 2018 meeting.  This NOI will be continued at the April 17, 2018 meeting and a site visit will be scheduled prior to the April meeting date.    
Item 1:  The Commission needs to perform a site visit for the Route 140 (East Princeton F.D. to Fitchburg Road) Project.
Item 2:  The Boy Scout project to clear dangerous trees around Town Pound is pending a tree removal contractor to agree to do the work.  
Item 3:  Updated files were received for the Calamint Hill Conservation Area.  There may still be some outstanding files that are required to compile all wetland delineation work.
Item 4:  Brian Keevan provided an update on MACC conference workshops.
Commission Other Business, Mail, Procedures, etc.:
The Commission approved the February 20, 2018 meeting minutes with minor changes.
The next PCC meeting is scheduled for April 17, 2018.
Commission mail was reviewed.
Forest Cutting Plan:  The Commission received a Cutting Plan dated February 14, 2018 for Glenwood Place, owned by Susan Connell .  Glenwood Place is located off Dowds Land.  The Cutting Plan was approved on March 7, 2018 and it expires on February 23, 2020.
Meeting Adjourned at 9: 41 PM.
Respectfully submitted, Barbara Laughlin