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May 19, 2015
May 19, 2015
John Vieira, Susan Mitchell, Ron Thompson, and from the Brian Keevan from the PCC were in attendance as well as Brett Trowbridge associate members.

John Vieira called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.


  • A continuation for a Notice of Intent filed by Terra Environmental for the Town of Princeton was opened at 7:30 PM for reconstruction of Route 140 (Redemption Rock Trail) from the East Princeton Fire Station to the Route 31 intersection.   The project consists of slight pavement widening and reclamation, ancillary work shall include tree removal where necessary, relocation of utility poles, construction/repair of existing culvert headwalls, replacement of compromised existing culvert(s), cleaning of drainage structures and culverts, grading of earthen shoulders beyond the pavement, and installation of erosion controls.  A site visit took place on May 16, 2105 with Brett Trowbridge and John Vieira from the PCC.  Shelley Hultgren addressed the list of concerns that the PCC had discussed at the last meeting.  The engineer is waiting for information from Natural Heritage.  The contractor’s agent will be responsible for filing the SWIPPP and the MEPA filing.  Invasive species are Japanese Knotweed which will need to be controlled.    The Mass DEP comments were addressed.  The list of comments from the PCC Site visit on May 16th was addressed by Shelley Hultgren and Larry Green.  PCC would like an 800 foot area on Hobbs Road re flagged.  The project was continued to the next meeting in June.   At the end of the PCC meeting Larry Greene approached the PCC regarding having his son Larry Greene Jr from Ross Associates take over the 140/31 project to finish all the  work left on it:  contact the Grant Project Application;   flagging the 800 ft. section on Hobbs Road ; MEPA and SWPPP reports.  A special meeting was requested in 2 weeks by Larry Greene and the Road Advisory Board.
  • Matthew Dunn from PARE’ requested to be on the Agenda for the Emergency Certificate for the Fire Road culvert crossing replacements for the Paradise Pond Dam Project area.  Allen Orsi, Matthew Dunn and Ken Whitney were present at the meeting.  3 culverts on Old Country road need to be replaces.  Allen Orsi gave an overview of the project including the installation of a dry hydrant for the Princeton Fire Department.  Ken Whitney spoke about a fire in that area that could not be easily accessed and had the wind been blowing it could have been a real bad problem with possible homes destroyed.  A site visit will be set up as soon as the impacts are in place.  Brian Keevan recused himself from this project.   
  • John Vieira had a meeting with DCR to discuss the Culvert Study that U Mass is willing to do with the help of the PCC members.   A meeting will be set up with the Town of Holden to talk about the study.
  • PCC did a site visit on May 16, 2015 with John Vieira, Brett Trowbridge and Herbert Markley at the Markley property Lot 3 Calamint Hill Road to identify what they need to do to come into compliance.  The Markley’s were informed they need to do 1,300 sq. ft. restoration of the wetlands as well as find a consultant to meet with the PCC at the site.
  • A public meeting was opened at 7:01 PM for a Request for Determination of Applicability filed by Asmus Engineering for William Rauh for 56 Rhodes Road, Princeton.  To repair the existing septic system to comply with Title 5.   A Negative Determination Category # 2 was issued.  The public meeting closed at 7:10 PM.
  • Terra Environmental informally discussed the road reconstruction of Grow Lane for the Town of Princeton.  A site visit took place on May 18, 2015 with Brian Keevan, Susan Mitchell and Glenn Lyons and Shelley Hultgren.  Another site visit took place with John Vieira and Brian Keevan on May 19, 2015.  Shelley Hultgren from Terra Environmental said that there will be 3 culvert stream crossing to be replaced or repaired.  John Vieira advised the Town Engineer and Glenn Lyons that new regulations for culvert stream crossings is in place and that they should calculate the water flows, size the culverts by the information gathered.   Shelley indicated the Town would not be pursuing this at this time.
  • An Enforcement Order was issued to Mr. Oberhelm at 296 Sterling Road, Princeton.  PCC would like Mr. Oberhelm to file a Notice of Intent or a demonstration of progress at the June meeting.  Stream restoration is needed and the Board of Health needs to address the pipe in the stream.
The April 21, 2015 and May 5, 2015 minutes were accepted with minor changes.
Meeting was adjourned at 10:00 PM.
                                                Marsha Dowdy