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March 19, 2013
February 19, 2013
John Vieira, Holly Palmgren, David Caporello, Judith Kalloch-Getman and Ron Thompson from the PCC were in attendance.

John Vieira called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.

The minutes for the January 15, 2012 meetings were read and accepted as changed.


  • Jacob Elie an Eagle Scout from Princeton discussed with the PCC a project he would like to do at the Four Corners Property.   He gave an update and sent the final proposal draft to his Scout Master for review.  He will bring to the March meeting a final for review by the PCC.
  • The Open Space Committee’s DougWilliams, attended the meeting and he stated that in the spring the Open Space Committee, Princeton Garden Club and other volunteers will put the foot print stones in place to help with the erosion problem.  Blackberries and willows will be planted in around the stones to stop erosion.  Doug Williams will present a narrative to PCC about the process for the file and Deb Cary will be in contact with DCR.
  • DCR – Wachusett Mtn. Road Reconstruction had not filed an O&M Plan.  Robert Lowell will be working with the Clinton Office of DCR to develop one.  

  • Review of an annual report dated January 28, 2013 from Craig Stimson for the Four Corners lease.  David Caporello went over the report with the Commission.

  • PCC discussed the Princeton Web Page and while talking to the Town Clerk he suggested that any emails should go to John Vieira or Marsha Dowdy.  PCC will be looking at other towns Web Pages to get ideas to update the Conservation Web site.  It was stated that Andover had a very complete Web Page.  Marsha will contact the Town Clerk and send the missing entries.

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Minutes for February 19, 2013 Meeting

  • Discussed also was the check list to send to potential filers, this would be mandatory for all to make sure we have all the information necessary.
  • A memo was received from the Planning Board regarding 3 wireless tower sites that will be upgraded.
  • PCC discussed the pros and cons of a Wetland Protection By-Law.  The members will pull together some examples of a Wetland Protection By-Law.
  • Calamint Hill Road North for property owned by Scott and Nancy Bigelow for 21.3 acres. No letter was attached regarding National Heritage Marble Salamanders.  PCC will contact owners to get copy of letter.
  • 319 Ball Hill Road for property owned by David Valcovic and Patricia Cornell for 13 acres.  PCC discussed the location of this property, if it was the property where alpacas are being housed or not.   PCC will take a look at the property to determine the exact location.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:10 pm.