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February 21, 2012

February 21, 2012

Holly Palmgren, Ron Thompson, David Caporello, David Getman, Tom Lynch, John Vieira, and Kale Kallach-Getman from the PCC were in attendance.

John Vieira called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.

The minutes for the January 17, 2012 meeting were read and accepted with changes.

Craig Stimpson attended the February 21, 2012 meeting and gave a report on the hayfields located at Old Colony and Gates Roads.  Copy of report attached.
A Notice of Intent was filed by Geo Services for Claire O’Conner for 18 Radford Road, Princeton for the replacement of the Septic System and associated grading.  A site visit took place February 18, 2012 with John Vieira, David Getman, David Capporello, Kale Kalloch-Getman and Brett Trobridge.  Chris Knuth was not at the PCC meeting.  Ed Cichon from 28 Radford Road attended the meeting, he stated that he did not get an abutter notice from the BOH, but was notified about the PCC meeting.  DEP File No. 267-     .  Brett Trobridge requested a continuation to the March meeting due to a question regarding the Board of Health signing off on this project.

A Notice of Intent filed by Greenhill Engineering for 90 East Princeton Road, Princeton owned by Caroline Lyons for the repair of the septic system.  A continuation was requested to the March meeting from the Greenhill Engineering.

Ruth Teixeira from DCR attended the PCC meeting and discussion regarding the Enforcement Order for 267-0347 took place.  David Getman recused himself from this project.  Mrs. Teixeira brought to the PCC meeting a letter dated February 17, 2012 from Stantec Consulting Service Inc. regarding Wachusett Mountain Parkway Road System Rehab. Project # 267-0347. There still are the ongoing problems on Administration Road between Harrington and Frost Trails.  The upper section that was rutted by the storm has stabilization matt on the sides of the road and is seeded, the lowest area needs to be groomed to pitch grade the other way and the side slops seeded and matting applied  Walter Mulligan needs to provide field notes of where the stabilization fabric was put and what geo textile was used and where on the gravel road section.  

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Minutes for February 21, 2012 Meeting

DCR will address the repairing of the downed silt fences and report back to John Vieira in a few days.  John Vieira did a site visit on February 19, 2012 with erosion still happening.   PCC expectations:  Erosion controls corrected and notify PCC ASAP;  Stantec Engineer to attend the March Meeting.

Ruth Teixeira will go do a site visit in a week or so and inspect the hay bales to make
sure all are in place.  This discussion will be continued to the March Meeting.

A Request for a Certificate of Compliance was filed by Andrysick Land Surveying for East Princeton Road “The Knoll at East Princeton” for Clayton Mosher. DEP File No. 267-0293 and DEP File No. 267-0339.  A site visit took place February 18, 2012 with John Vieira, David Getman, David Capporello, Kale Kalloch-Getman.  The site was stable and a Certificate of Compliance was issued for both DEP File numbers.



The PCC mail was addressed

The PCC discussed potential purchases to help the Commission.  Discussed were the purchase of a digital camera, a small recorder for site visits, and a lap top computer for storing information and viewing photos, David and Kale Getman would donate a printer.  Votes were unanimous for the Laptop and digital camera with a 6 to 1 for the recorder.  The next step is to decide a save place to store it.

The Annual MACC Meeting is March 3, 2012 with Kale Kalloch-Getman and John Vieira interested in attending.

Discussion regarding Meetings and Site Visits, PCC will get a standard form to fill in at the site visits.  As well, as have a Standard Special Conditions to go with all Order of Conditions, it can then be filled out at the meeting, like in the past.  Holly Palmgren will email to all the members.

Tom Lynch stated to the PCC that nothing is happening with the Wachusett Mountain Road Project (exclusive of Administration Road).

Ron Starsnick from Boston talked to David Capporello regarding e-mails; as far as the Open Meeting Law; no communication about a interactions between 2 or more people can take place.


Meeting was adjourned at 9:30 pm.