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November 16, 2010

November 16, 2010

Paul Richards, David Getman, Holly Palmgren, Tom Lynch, David Caporello, John Vieira and Ron Thompson from the PCC were in attendance as well as Associate Member Kale Kalloch.

Paul Richards called the meeting to order at 7:00pm.

The minutes for the October 19, 2010 meeting were read and accepted with minor changes.


Jeff Richards requested a meeting with PCC regarding the Four Corners Municipal Certification.  The Certification was signed and returned to Jeff Richards.

A request for an informal discussion from Wells Dow regarding property located at 69 Mirick Road, Princeton.  Mr. Dow filed with DCR regarding this lot.  PCC looked at the plans advised Mr. Dow that he should do the septic plans and site the house then file a NOI with the PCC.  Chris Dow attended the meeting.

A Certificate of Compliance was signed for William Nichols for 50 Calamint Hill South to filed only.  

PCC requested Mr. Groves for an informal discussion regarding a Beaver Dam at 68 Brook Station Rd.  A site visit took place on November 13, 2010 with Dave Getman, Kale Kalloch-Getman and David Caporello in attendance.  Abutter’s land is flooding; there was no evidence of working on the dam.  A lot of ice storm damage was noted.  A letter will be sent to Mr. Groves and the abutter at 86 Brook Station Road.

An Extension for an Order of Conditions was filed by Mark Walker, DEP File No. 267-0331, for Lot 70 Lovers Lane formerly owned by Wayne Andrews.  Permit extends to August of 1013.

Al Furbush from Calamint Hill Road South had tree cutting activity with going through the resource area.  PCC informed him that he could clean up storm damage by walking over the resource area, no traveling there with a car.  He will contact the State Forester in Clinton.


Tom Lynch provided an update on the work on Wachusett Mountain State Park Road Reconstruction Project.   Mary Trudeau still doing the reports for the Mountain Reconstruction.  All is tightened down for the winter, except the Administration Road.  Final Inspection with Resident Engineers, no hay bales with stakes any where hear where the skiers ski.   A letter requested by Tom Lynch will be drafted to the Engineers regarding changes so the culverts function properly.


Nimrod League of Holden, Inc. for Coal Kiln Road Princeton for 50 acres proposed start date 11-10.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:15 pm.