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June 16, 2009
June 16, 2009
David Getman, Ron Thompson Paul Richards, Holly Palmgren and Tom Lynch were in attendance from the PCC.
Paul Richards, Chairman called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.
A Public Hearing was opened at 7:05 PM for a Notice of Intent filed by Chris Knuth, Geo Services for Michael Kaake, 37 Coal Kiln Road for the excavation and removal of debris (MSW) at an existing home, with stabilization of the slopes within the 100 foot buffer zone.  A site visit took place on June 13, 2009 with Paul Richards, David Getman, Ron Thompson, and Chris Knuth, the Representative...  An existing 3 bedroom home, which will be renovate with a permit from the BOH for septic is in place.  The backyard was used as a solid waste dump, this material will be removed and hauled off the premises, the slope to be reestablished and seeded.  The public hearing was closed at 7:10 PM.  An Order of Conditions was issued with special conditions pending a DEP File Number.
A Public Hearing was opened at 7:15 Pm for a Request for Determination filed by Mass Audubon, 113Goodnow Road, Princeton with improvement to a trail crossing the S.Wachusett Brook with a hewed log footbridge, replacing a stepping stone crossing near Hubbardston Road.  A site visit took place on June 13, 2009 with Paul Richards, David Getman, Judith Kalloch-Getman and Ron Thompson.  A Negative Determination was issued with Category 3.  Plans of Record dated May 16, 2009 were filed; variations to this plan must be presented to the PCC.
A letter dated June 16, 2009 was received from PMLD regarding pole removal from work area at the Ball Hill Road bridge replacement.
Holly Palmgren and John Vieira meet on June 8, 2009 with the Princeton Board of Health regarding communication between the two boards.  BOH with have applicants sign an affidavit to ensure that they follow both BOH and PCC regulations.
A continuation for a Notice of Intent was opened at 7:25 PM, filed by Pare Corporation for Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation for tree removal from the dam embankment and erosion control installation at the secondary spillway at the Paradise Pond Dam, located east of Fitchburg Road (Rte.31).  DEP File No. 267-0343.  David Getman requesed himself from this project.  Site visits took place on June 1, 2009
Minutes – June 16, 2009
Princeton Conservation Commission
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with Paul Richards, Tom Lynch, Ron Thompson, and John Vieira present from the PCC and on May 16, 2009 with Paul Richards, Tom Lunch, and Ron Thompson present from PCC and Allen Orsi from Pare Corp.  Amendments to the NOI were submitted dated 6/16/09. 
Plans call for 38 trees to be cut on the dam and 21 trees to be cut on the access road.  Alan Orsi answered all the PCC concerns from the site visits.  PCC requested that Pare Corp. notify them with 2 names and phone numbers to contact in case of vandalism or other problems arise.  The Public Hearing was closed at 8:20 PM.  An Order of Conditions was issued with special conditions.
 Meeting adjourned at 8:30 PM.