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September 14, 2016
Princeton, Mass.    Council on Aging
Regular Meeting  Sept. 14, 2016

9 AM   Opened meeting with Bev Kohlstrom, Jane Fife, Terry Thompson, Bill Andrysick and T.A. Nina Nazarian. Nancy Wheeler not present.

No minutes for approval as Sec. Nancy W. out owing to Dick’s passing away.

Event planned for Oct. 27 at noon, Halloween Party with prizes for costumes, in the P.C. gym. Nina to pick up the following items sandwich platter (with ID markers) from Hannaford, hot and cold cider, water, block of cheddar, and potato salad; Jane F. to provide apple pie or squares. Green salad from Terry; Bill and Bev to provide donated prizes.

Discussed planting a Yoshino flowering cherry tree as memorial for Sue Shanahan. Board voted all in favor to purchase the tree and to spend up to $625 from the COA Donation Account, covering materials and installation, subject to availability. Nina will check total that’s available in fund. Bev and Bill will research vendors.

It was reported that the cookout, partially sponsored by Fidelity Bank, was successful with a turnout of 37 people.

The flu clinic will be in the P.C. gym on Sept. 27 from 9 – 11 AM.  Group outlined plans for Bingo on Sept. 29. Will order cider doughnuts with cold cider and water. Bev will borrow Bingo game from Hubbardston.

Harrington Farm will host its holiday luncheon for seniors on Dec. 8 and the COA will have its holiday party on Dec. 14. COA sent thank-you cards for food donations to Vanessa Marcotte’s family and to Laurie Kraemer who donated $100.

Nina asked the board to nominate two members for the 2nd “interview team” to hire a part-time COA director. Board named Bev K. and either Terry or Bill, depending on interview schedule and their availability.

10:10 AM   Adjourned

Respectfully Submitted,
Nina Nazarian