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March 15, 2012
MINUTES - MARCH 15, 2012

        Gaile Rollins
        Louise Dix
        Terry Thompson  
        Carl Lapoint
        Jon Fudeman

The meeting started with the committee welcoming one of the newest members , Jon Fudeman, to the board.  Thomjon Borges is also a new member but could not attend the meeting due to an emergency that morning.

Gaile reported that she sees very little of the new maintenance man. Phil Connors has taken over the job now that Bill Johnson has retired. She says there are things that have been brought to his attention that need repair but they haven’t been taken care of as of this meeting. For example, the sign on the lawn in front of the building was damaged during one of the wind storms and that fact was brought to his attention but so far nothing has been done about it. Another thing that happened was the plowing of the driveway during the last snow storm wasn’t done until 10:30 am and the tenants of the building didn’t have access. Louise is going to stop in at the Town Hall after the meeting to talk to John about the problem. John volunteered to go with her.

Is the roof done or not? The ceilings are still in bad shape and need painting. There was also an electrical job that needed to be done and Bob Warren, electrician, was hired to do it at a cost of $80.00. This was done without authority.

The rentals are all up to date. Most of the required insurance certificates are also up to date with the exception of Hannah Hall and the Historical Society. They will be notified.

Devon keeping her studio although she has a job elsewhere as an antique bookbinder..

The finances for the building  are okay for now because there haven’t been the high furnace costs this year that have happened other years. There also haven’t been many extremely cold days this winter. There is not an estimated date for turning off the furnace.

The minutes of the January meeting were okayed to be sent to Lynne. There was no meeting in February.