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January 19, 2012

Present: Gaile Rollins
              Terry Thompson
               Louise Dix
               Carl Lapoint
The committee was informed that Bill Johnson has officially retired and Phil Connors is now the new town handyperson. He can be reached by cell phone.

It was noted that the Princeton Winter Weekend has scheduled a sing a long at the Princeton Center without the knowledge of the committee. How that came about is going to be looked into.

The minutes of the December meeting were read and approved as written.

Gaile reported the roof is no longer leaking. The insurance company paid for the repairs. The ceiling damage is still there and Phil is going to do the repairs and repainting.

Because of the warm weather we have been having the income for the center is a little ahead at the moment. One of the tenants who had been behind is now up to date but the other one is still two months behind.

Gaile has asked for more sand and ice melt from the DPW because of ice on the ramp.  The committee also wants Phil to plow the driveway when he is plowing on rt. 62. Louise will go to the DPW to speak to Phil about the plowing.

John Fudeman and Thom Jon  have both expressed an interest in joining the committee. Gaile is going to call them.

The electric bill is up this month because of billing for the outdoor lights.

Louise won’t be here next month. She will be in Georgia.