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December 15, 2011

PRESENT” Gaile Rollins
                  Terry Thompson
                   Carl Lapoint

Gaile told the committee Louise was unable to attend due to illness.

Studio #8 has been re-rented by Leslie Wood Spencer.  The entire usable space in the building is now rented.

Gaile reports the downstairs bathroom is now being used less and only by the elderly and handicapped. The leaking seems to be abating with less usage.

There was a problem in the kitchen with the hand washing sink. Dana Perkins came to unclog it. This has happened before.

The roof and ceiling repairs have not been finished yet. A call will be made to John to inform him of that fact.

The prisoners completed the job  on the stairs and Bill applied 2 coats of finish to the area.  They also painted the hallway to the gym.

Gaile hasn’t heard back from Sue Shanahan. She has tried to reach her but does not answer her e mails.

Bill Johnson is planning to retire and Gaile hopes everyone will tell him how much he will be missed. He is really needed especially in the Princeton Center building.

The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as written. A copy will be sent to the Town Clerk.

Patsy is still 3 months in arrears which is an on going problem.

Diane didn’t use the Senior Room for her event.

Carl brought up the issue of late fees and feels they should be enforced.

The meeting was adjourned. Next meeting on January19, 2012