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August 18, 2011

PRESENT: Gaile Rollins
                 Louise Dix
                 Carl  Lapoint
                 Terry Thompson

The minutes of the July meeting were read and approved. A copy will be sent to the Town Clerk.

The committee had a meeting on August 15th to discuss the ongoing problems with Diane.  At the moment she is using her room on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday evening, Friday and some Saturdays.  She spends at least 50 hours a week here in the building which is of concern when the heating season starts since she keeps turning up the thermostats. She also updated and paid for new service to her room because she kept blowing fuses.

Jessica is teaching art classes to children and needs access to Leslie and Mark’s room so she can turn on the heart during the winter.

Bill has repaired the leaky roof on the building.

The prisoners are coming in September to work in the Princeton Arts Society room. They are going to take up the rug and redo the floor.

The gym wall has been repaired.

Don Mathieu’s son came with a Hawley Rake to get the stones on the walking path ready for rolling. He did a great job.

The boiler for the furnace is going to be cleaned.

The light bill was up slightly because of the fans being used during the very high heat.

The committee must wait to see what the costs for heat will be. Radio Oil is the new company this year.

The next meeting will be September 15th.