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January 20, 2011

Present: Terry Thompson
              Carl Lapoint
              Gaile Rollins

The minutes of the December meeting were read and accepted by the committee as read. A copy will be sent to the Town Clerk and she will be asked to make a copy for John.

Gaile reported that all of the problems in the kitchen have been corrected. This is to conform to the health requirements necessary to have congregate meals here at the Princeton Center. Carl suggested that copies of the future menus be made available to those attending the luncheons.

Sheila has given her notice and will be leaving as of February 1st. The studio is still available for rent.  She will make sure the studio is cleaned out before she leaves.

There is a new tenant in room #8. Her name is Leslie Woods. She will be paying $285.00 per month.

Diane has painted something on the ceiling of her room without the permission of the committee. They are going to inspect what she has done after the meeting. She still has two people who are allegedly  subletting the use of her studio.

Leslie reported she was here on Saturday evening and the furnace went on with the temperature going up to 85 degrees with the thermostat set on 60. Gaile said she was told that the thermostat and the steam relief valve are old and should be replaced. The committee okayed this.  Carl suggested the temperature be set at 65 degrees and left on so Leslie and Diane have heat in their rooms.

Sharon Olson who is part of the Moms Club in Hubbardston has asked to use an area in the Princeton Center for a couple of hours once or twice a month. She and her group made a favor for the first congregate luncheon and would like to make something for another luncheon. Perhaps Valentine’s day? The committee feels a fee of $25.00 is fair.

There is still the problem of a tenant being behind in her rent. She paid one month but is still two months in arrears. This is on ongoing problem. John has been asked to take care of it.

The next meeting will be February 17th.