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September 16, 2010

                    CARL LAPOINT
                    LOUISE DIX

The  minutes of the August 19th meeting were accepted by the full committee. Gaile will send a copy to Lynn (Town Clerk) for her files.
From now on the minutes will be brought to the meeting the following month, accepted and then sent to Lynn.
There is talk of putting in an air conditioner in the Senior room on the first floor to serve as a cooling center if needed during times of extreme heat. Gaile mentioned she had seen one that was free standing and didn’t have to put in a window. The COA will pay for the air conditioner and the town will pay for supplies. The electrical installation time will be donated. It would not run all the time.
The electric bills are still very high for the building. Carl is concerned about the cost of running an air conditioner. Gaile is going to make copies of the electric bills for the committee to look at.
After much discussion, the committee gave the go ahead for the COA to purchase the air conditioner. The only cost to the PC will be the cost of the electricity. Louise also added that the committee will ask to return the air conditioner if it doesn’t cool well.
Zumba is starting on September 30th. They will pay $100.00 the first time and then half of her income thereafter.
The committee wants United Heating to say why they disconnected “zones” on the furnace connection.
There is still one tenant behind on the rent but is catching up. All of the insurance policies are  up to date. The Historical Society is going to be billed again.
There is a small amount of money ahead in the Princeton Center account. The storm windows and plastic screens are waiting to be installed for the winter.
Gaile is going to advertise the gym in the Bagg Hall notes,
The next meeting is October 21st.