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April 25,, 2016
Princeton Cemetery Commission
Meeting – Monday April 25, 2016
Town Hall Annex Meeting Room
        April 25, 2016

Present: Lynne Grettum, Lou Trostel, Paul Constantino, Ron Milenski, Andy Brown and Jamie Deloge

Meeting was called to order by the Chairman, Lynne Grettum at 7:00 pm in the        Town Hall Annex meeting room.

Prior Meeting Minutes Review

The March 2016 Meeting Minutes were orally presented by Chairman, Grettum and reviewed by the members, who were in attendance of the March 2016 meeting. The members approved the oral minutes. Chairman, Grettum will prepare and provide written March minutes for the next meeting. The March Meeting Minutes are included with these minutes.

Superintendent’s Report

  • Superintendent Brown reported that was minimal winter damage and four cemeteries: North, Parker II, West and Woodlawn are cleaned and prepped for mowing. Brown mentioned that the first mowing of the cemeteries will most like occur during the first week of May.
  • The 1986 section of Woodlawn Cemetery has been fertilized as planned per the Fertilizer Application Schedule to improve the turf quality in this section.
  • The Cemetery Department has now taken on the assignment of mowing the turf areas at the Town Hall and Library.
  • One lot at Woodlawn Cemetery was sold to Craig Stimson. This lot will be utilized for a cremation burial.
  • Superintendent Brown recommended that the entrance area near the gate at Woodlawn Cemetery be paved. The area would be approximately 20 feet in length. Brown mentioned that the Highway Department would assist in prepping the area to be paved, but the Cemetery Department would be responsible for the paving cost. After the paving is completed Brown mentioned that the cemetery crew would replant grass on the entrance road side. Discussion by the committee ensued and that the committee would like to view the area before a determination is made.
  • Brown also suggested that the left lower section of North Cemetery, which was prepped last year by cleaning brush and removing small last trees, is ready for fill, leveling, plating with loam and seeding. This area per last year’s plan will be utilized for cremation burials.
  • Tree Planting Plan for Cemeteries – Joyce Anderson of the Historical Committee and Chairman, Grettum will collaborate and compose a letter addressed to Steve Stimson (Mr. Stimson owns a tree farm) asking for assistance and possible reduced pricing to facilitate the proposed tree planting program. No trees are planned to be planted during the 2016 growing season.
  • During the May meeting, discussion will take place to sort out the improvement projects and costs which will be approved for this year.

Foreman, Jamie Deloge – Work Schedule Discussion

Cemetery Department Foreman, Jamie Deloge is now a full time town employee.

Jamie addressed the Cemetery Committee regarding her personal difficulties regarding her new schedule. Per Jamie, as of April 1st she has been working a changed schedule as compared to her 2015 schedule. In 2015 she worked from 7:00 am until 3:30 pm; this year her work schedule was changed to 8:00 am to 4:30 pm. She must take a mandatory lunch break , so her new schedule provides no alternative to completing work before 4:30 pm. Jamie stated that she is the care giver for a special needs child and that the child needs are best served by having her be available as soon as possible after 3:30 pm. Her request is to have her hours changed back to the same work schedule as 2015 – 7:00 am to 3:30 pm.

She is well aware of the nuisance noise from power equipment that may result in complaints from the citizenry that live near the cemeteries and will be vigilant to not cause complaints and problems. Jamie also mentioned that Chris Foley, the part time cemetery employee starts work at 8:00 am. and he could start the mowing duties at 8:00 am rather than at 7:00 am.

Superintendent Brown’s logic related to changing the 2016 work schedule for Jamie is based on allowing the grass to dry before it is mowed and therefore produce a cleaner final cut with less clippings remaining on the turf. His observation is that the final mowing quality is better if the grass is mowed after it has dried. He also feels that the crew in general will be more productive by starting at a later time each morning.

Discussion by the committee ensued. Member Milenski asked how the new mower was set up for mowing and Superintendent Brown mentioned that mower is equipped with a mulching kit. Milenski mentioned that although mowing with a mulching kit works well in some instances (when the grass is dry) it is the most messy when the grass is wet. The grass builds up in the deck and leaves grass clumps. Milenski also mentioned that per his experience that it is generally more difficult to mow when the grass is moist, but there are methods to work around this issue. Milenski suggested that crew attempt to remove the mulching kit and side discharge the grass away from the monument stones. If there is a need to disperse the remaining grass a quick once over with a back pack blower will break up the clumps of grass.

Member Trostel stated that he that recommends that the committee accommodate Jamie Deloge’s request to change her hours back to the 2015 schedule and review the outcome within two months.

Member Trostel made motion that Foreman, Deloge’s hours be changed back to the 2015 schedule to accommodate her child care needs with the provision to review the outcome in two months. The motion was seconded by member, Milenski. The vote was unanimous 4 -0. Foreman, Deloge thanked the committee for understanding her needs.

Rules & Regulations

Chairman, Grettum lead a discussion of the proposed changes to the amended “Rules and Regulations”. The committee agreed to add a clause related to the removal of Summer and Fall plantings. A line will be added to the “Rules And Regulations” to include the removal of Summer plantings on or before October 1st and Winter evergreen displays on or before April 1st.

A disclaimer will also be added to the “Rules and Regulations” with verbiage stating that the Princeton Cemetery Commission is not to be held liable for thief, vandalism and /or destruction of property on any town cemetery.

Member Milenski made a motion to accept the amended cemetery commission “Rules and Regulations” including the two previously mentioned additions. The motion was seconded by member, Constantino. The vote passed unanimously, 4-0.

The next meeting is scheduled for May 16, 2016 at 7:00 pm at the Town Hall Annex.
There will be an inspection of the Boylston Cemetery Plot prior to the regular meeting
at 6:30 pm.
The meeting adjourned at 8:00 pm.
Submitted by Ron Milenski, Secretary    