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March 21, 2016

Princeton Cemetery Commission
Monday, March 21, 2016 Meeting Minutes
Present: Lou Trostel, Paul Constantino, Lynne Grettum, Andy Brown
Absent: Ron Milenski
  • The Chairman called the meeting to order at 7:10PM.
  • The February 22, 2016 minutes were approved as written
  • Superintendent’s report
  • Cemeteries will be opening on April 1st.
  • The driveway in Woodlawn is mushy. Can we fix it in the same manner as we did with the circle in Woodlawn? We may be able to get regrind from the Rt. 140 project. The Commission voted unanimously in favor of redoing the driveway with regrind if available.
  • Warrant article for transfer of $4000 will be on the Town Meeting Warrant. Commission voted unanimously in favor of going forward with that transfer.
  • The committee discussed the need for the definition of several terms used in the Cemetery Rules and Regulations
  • Lot = Single full body burial measuring either 3’3”X 8’ or cremation measuring 3’3” X 4’
Plot = Two or more congruent lots
Monument = vertical memorial
Markers – flat marker that is flush with the ground
  • Commission members discussed the changes to the rules and regulations, specific to whether shrubs would be allowed next to memorials. The Commission agreed that evergreen shrubs would be allowed, lot owners would be responsible for the care and trimming of the shrubs, and that the Cemetery Superintendent could pull them out if they hampered cemetery operations.
  • Tree work needed in Parker II. Superintendent Brown needs to get another quote for the work. Any tree trimming should be paid for using the $1000 donation from the movie company that used the cemetery for filming.
  • Several members wished to pursue the acquisition of land on the Fieldstone Farm property for a future cemetery. It was mentioned that Deb Cary might be a good contact.
  • A motion was made and seconded to dissolve the meeting. Commission voted unanimously to dissolve the meeting at 8:15PM
Respectfully submitted,
Lynne Grettum, Chairman