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February 22, 2016
Princeton Cemetery Commission
Meeting – Monday February 22, 2016
Town Hall Annex Meeting Room
February 23, 2016

Present: Lou Trostel, Paul Constantino, Ron Milenski and Andy Brown

Meeting was called to order by the Acting Chairman, Lou Trostel at 7:08 pm in the        Town Hall Annex meeting room.

Prior Meeting Minutes Review

The January 2016 Meeting Minutes were reviewed and corrected to reflect the 2017 Fiscal Budget.  One correction – 2016 – 2017 budget to 2017 budget.

Superintendent’s Report

  • Superintendent Brown had nothing to report pertaining to new issues or business,

Budget - Fiscal 2017

Members reviewed the Cemetery Budget Worksheet. Superintendent Brown noted that both the foreman’s position and the cemetery worker seasonal employment period will be extended to 32 weeks per year from 30 weeks year to facilitate the creation of a full time position for our foreman. The highway and buildings departments will employ Jamie Deloge for the additional 20 weeks per year.

It was also noted that the salary line on the worksheet had an error regarding the number of days worked per week. The correct number of days worked per week is 5 days at 8 hours per day, rather than 3 days per week at 8 hours per day as stated.

Superintendent Brown stated that a line item for Cemetery Truck Repairs will be budgeted at $3,000.00. A capital purchase warrant item will be presented to the select board and advisory committee for the purchase of a new replacement truck for cemetery operations. All members agreed that the existing truck needs to be in safe operating condition should a new replacement truck not be approved as part of the 2017 budget. Superintendent Brown estimated that a new 1 ton dump body work truck would cost nearly $50,000.00. Member Constantino mentioned that another option to purchase this truck could be a Municipal Lease/Purchase. The advantage being that the cost could be amortized over a stipulated number of years rather than $50,000.00 as a onetime expense.

The tree planting program that Brown mentioned during the last meeting was not included in the cemetery budget worksheet. He mentioned the Chairman Grettum and Joyce Anderson of the Historical Committee are collaborating on the tree program project. More information is forth coming at future meetings.

Member Trostel asked if any other cemetery improvement items need to be included on the town warrant.  Superintendent Brown suggested that it would be prudent to complete the improvement project already started at North Cemetery. During 2015 the cemetery crew removed trees and brush at the lower left side of North Cemetery. Brown’s plan is to level these terraced areas and make them suitable for cremation burial lots. He stipulated that this area would be leveled and topped with a minimum of 6 inches of loam to insure that grass can be grown on these grave sites. He recommended that $4,000.00 be requested on the town warrant to complete this project.

Member Constantino suggested that our committee should investigate the feasibility of obtaining some land for new cemetery at the Fieldstone/Smith Farm property. A multiple group effort is working to procure this property and our members agreed that obtaining land here would solve the long term issue of running out of cemetery burial space. Members agreed that we should proceed to investigate this possibility.  Further discussions should take place during our upcoming meetings and should be an agenda item.

Rules & Regulations

All members reviewed the amended “Rules and Regulations”.  Member Trostel suggested that both funeral homes and monument providers, that provide services at our cemeteries be given a hard copy of the amended “Rules and Regulations”. This may reduce future conflicts that may arise. Superintendent Brown noted that almost all of the burials are conducted with the “Miles Funeral Home” and that there are four main companies that provide monument stones for our cemeteries. The “Rules and Regulations” will also be available on the Princeton Cemetery webpage.

All members were in agreement and comfortable with the changes and agreed to move forward with the amended “Rules and Regulations” At a past meeting Chairman Grettum suggested that the Massachusetts Statute pertaining to cemeteries law be included as part of the “Rules and Regulations”. She also mentioned that it would be sensible to have a glossary included to define items such as “Plot” vs. “Lot”. These issues remain undetermined.

The next meeting is scheduled for March 21, 2016 at 7:00 pm.
The meeting adjourned at 7:57 pm.
Submitted by Ron Milenski, Secretary    