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January 25, 2016
Princeton Cemetery Commission
Meeting – Monday January 25, 2016
Town Hall Annex Meeting Room
February 15, 2016

Present: Lou Trostel, Lynne Grettum, Paul Constantino, Ron Milenski and Andy Brown

Meeting was called to order by the Chairman, Lynne Grettum at 7:05 pm in the        Town Hall Annex meeting room.

Prior Meeting Minutes Review

The December 2015 Meeting Minutes were reviewed and approved as written.

Superintendent’s Report

  • Superintendent Brown reported that he researched the average height of monuments. The average height on a 6” base is 34 inches. He suggested that the maximum height of an approved monument be 48 inches.
  • There are no other major issues to report at this meeting.

Budget 2016 - 2017

Chairman Grettum reported that a draft of 2016 – 2017 budget is due on February 9, 2016. The select board is asking that all department submit a budget that is level to spending with last year’s budget and features the same level of services and quality.

The Cemetery Department , Foreman, Jamie Deloge will be budgeted to work 40 hours per week (Monday – Friday) from April 1st to November 15th. The budget will also reflect overtime wages for 6 weekend burials in this budget cycle. In 2015 there were 5 weekend burials: 2 Full Body and 3 Cremation Burials. Full Body burials require 6 hours of overtime labor and Cremation Burials require 3 hours of overtime labor.
Chris Foley, will be the second Cemetery Department employee. He will be budgeted to work 20 hours per week, 4 hours per day (Monday – Friday) from April 1st to    November 15th.

Both employees will be budgeted at the same pay rate as last year which totaled $30,860.00 for the year. The Cemetery Department Superintendent’s salary will also be budgeted at the same rated as last year.

Superintendent Brown suggested that the Cemetery Department work day be changed to 8:00 am to 4:00 pm rather than 7:00 am to 3:00 pm, since this is better schedule to perform the mowing function. This allows for an additional hour for the grass to dry and produce a cleaner and neater mowed turf.

The Cemetery Expenses account is budgeted at $4,372.00 for 2015 - 2016. Brown mentioned that the approximate expense to light our flag poles is $120.00 per pole per year based on 2015 costs. There are 3 lighted flag poles and the electric rate has increased, so this may cause a budget increase. Additionally, a 4th lighted flag pole is planned to be installed at North Cemetery. He mentioned that he would need at least a $500.00 increase in this account to cover costs of fertilizer and seed for turfgrass improvements on the 1986 section of Woodlawn Cemetery and the electric fee increase. Superintendent Brown suggested that the Cemetery Expense account be budgeted at $5,000.00 for the new fiscal year.

Discussion took place regarding what the anticipated truck repair expense could amount to, if the Cemetery Department does not inherit a newer dump truck from the Highway Department. Superintendent Brown mentioned that both the fuel injection system and the steering gear need repair on the present dump truck. He suggested that approximately $3,000.00 would be required.

As mentioned at the last meeting, a tree replacement plan consisting of the purchase and planting of 10 -11 trees has been recommended by Superintendent Brown for our various cemeteries. The tree replacement plan will insure that the cemeteries have shade trees in the event that our older trees perish. A budget article will be submitted to appropriate funds for the purchase of the trees. Superintendent Brown will determine if he will undertake the plan in one phase or break the tree replacement into a multi - year plan. The exact mechanics of the article is not known should the tree replacement plan become a multi – year plan.

Chairman Gerttum mentioned that the account now identified as: Cemetery Maintenance Expense would be better identified as: Cemetery Project Expense. This is reasonable and logical since all of the monies expended from this account are targeted for cemetery projects rather than for regular maintenance. At our next meeting discussion will take place to determine the amount of funds to target for this account. Projects such as:  the Ground Radar Service, New Flagpole Purchase and Installation, Road Improvements at Woodlawn Cemetery and the Tree Replacement Plan are typically budgeted to and paid from this account. An warrant article will be presented at the town meeting to fund this account.

Rules & Regulations

The final version of the “Town of Princeton – Cemetery Rules and Regulations” is planned to be completed by March 2016. Chairman Grettum asked that all members review the existing Rules and Regulations to prepare for discussion on this topic during the February meeting. Among the issues that need to be sorted out are: the maximum height of a monument, definition of plot vs. lot, family plot – number of monument stones, stone type and size for cremation lots, etc.

The next meeting is scheduled for February 22, 2016 at 7:00 pm.
The meeting adjourned at 8:20 pm.
Submitted by Ron Milenski, Secretary    