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December 14, 2015
Princeton Cemetery Commission
Meeting – Monday December 14, 2015
Town Hall Meeting Room
January 9, 2016

Present: Lou Trostel, Lynne Grettum, Paul Constantino, Ron Milenski and Andy Brown

Meeting was called to order by the Chairman, Lynne Grettum at 7:10 pm in the        Town Hall Annex meeting room.

Prior Meeting Minutes Review

The November 2015 Meeting Minutes were reviewed and approved as written.

Superintendent’s Report

  • Superintendent Brown reported that a request was made to perform a late season burial in South Cemetery. The cemetery department will facilitate this burial pending conducive weather conditions.
  • Superintendent Brown reported that the cemetery work truck, which is used daily, is in poor condition. The main problem being the fuel injection system. He will continue to ascertain the feasibility of inheriting the older dump truck from the Highway Department should the Highway Department purchase a new truck.
  • Superintendent Brown mentioned that one of the 2016 improvement goals that he would like to accomplish is to establish a tree replacement plan for the cemeteries. Chairman, Gerttum mentioned that she would contact Joyce Anderson of the Historical Committee and attempt to have her assist with the raising of funds for the tree replacement plan.                                                                                                                      
Brown estimated that these cemeteries could use at a minimum:
        Woodlawn Cemetery:      3 Trees
        South Cemetery:         2 Trees
        Meeting House Cemetery: 2 Trees
        Parker II Cemetery:             2 Trees
        West Cemetery:          2 Trees
        North Cemetery:         No Trees Required at This Time
        Parker Cemetery:                No Trees Required at This Time

It was also suggested that the Princeton Tree Warden might be of assistance with the selection, purchase and placement of the trees.

  • Superintendent Brown also mentioned that the Historical Commission may be interested in the re-installing metal doors on the vault and a metal fence at the Meeting House Cemetery. Both the vault doors and fence once existed at Meeting House Cemetery and the reinstallation would be part of a restoration project. The Historical Commission is researching the cost of the restoration.

Rules and Regulations – Continued Discussion

Shrubs – Discussion took place regarding the planting and maintenance of shrubs on cemetery property.

Superintendent Brown mentioned that there are occasions when both monument stones and shrubs may need to be temporarily removed to facilitate a burial within proximity of existing monuments and shrubs. The shrubs once excavated may not be replanted.

Brown suggested that shrubs only be permitted on 2 Lot - Plots or larger. Additionally, the shrubs should not exceed the height of the monument and be planted on the sides of the monument. The maintenance of the shrubs will be the responsibility of the family. He also suggested that all shrub plantings be approved by him prior to planting and that the cemetery department maintains the right to removed damaged, dead or non-compliant shrub plantings.

Monument Dimensions – Discussion took place regarding the appropriate dimensions for acceptable monuments. Superintendent Brown will investigate typical monument dimensions and provide this information at the January meeting. He mentioned that all monuments are required to be installed on a concrete base which typically is 12” wide X 36’ long. Additionally, consideration regarding monument size could be given for multiple lot - plots.

To prevent any conflicting issues Superintendent Brown suggested that all selected monuments should be submitted to him prior to purchase and installation for approval.

Mention was also made to include the Massachusetts General Law pertaining to Cemeteries regarding “The Right to Bury” be included in the
“Princeton Cemetery – Rules and Regulations”. This information will assist to clarify misinformation that many people have.

The next meeting is scheduled for January 25, 2016 at 7:00 pm.
The meeting adjourned at 8:25 pm.
Submitted by Ron Milenski, Secretary    