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August 17, 2015
Princeton Cemetery Commission
Meeting – Monday August 17, 2015
Town Hall Annex
September 13, 2015

Present: Lou Trostel, Lynne Grettum , Paul Constantino, Andy Brown

Meeting was called to order by the Chairman Lynne Grettum at 7:12 pm in the Annex

Cemetery Operations

Burials – None. Two cremation burials are pending.

Lot Sales – None but 18 lot sales are pending

Cemetery Commission Truck – The current truck is in sad shape and needs extensive repairs to make it “sea-worthy”. The Superintendent proposed making a bid for the recently retired town ambulance, removing the outdated ambulance section and installing the dump portion from the existing Cemetery truck. The Commission members unanimously agreed that the Superintendent should pursue this option.

Ground Penetrating Radar Survey in Woodlawn
A number of lots were checked with the GPR with interesting results. Lot 101 Howe was clear of bodies and lot 150 Brooks had one unmarked burial in the center of the lot. Also plot 6 with 10 potential lots is empty and plot 79 is empty. This frees up a number of lots for sale.

These interesting results suggest a return visit of the GPR operation to South Cemetery would be very helpful positively locating the number of unmarked graves in this cemetery.

The cost estimate was received of $1200 to  repair Woodlawn circle drive: to spread and roll a 3” layer of road regrind. The superintendent is pursuing this work.

In North, the scrub growth in the front left corner has been removed. The Superintendent suggested Commission members check out this area to be available for cremation burials

At West, the location of a flag pole was discussed at the site review just before this meeting, It was agreed to reinstall the granite posts that had recently been removed.

Trimming and cutting of all cemeteries continues.

In Woodlawn, the upgrade of the 20k sq ft area was discussed.  Ron Milinski had previously discussed several fertilizers that might be used in the upgrade work. We agreed an organic, nonoderific, slow release fertilizer would be the best for this work. We agreed the Superintendent should check with Milinski for his recommendation of which fertilizer meets these criteria.

Tree Trimming
The Superintendent meet with an arborist who suggested not trimming off the large branch as it would make the tree quite unbalanced. Rather, he suggested cabling the branch  to support it. With some additional thinning and trimming, this would cost an estimated $1850. We suggested the Superintend get an estimate from another tree expert such as Bartlet.

Mapping – The superintendent is waiting to hear on several options.

Next Meeting – September 14 with a short review at 6:45 pm at Parker !

The meeting was adjourned at 8:42 pm

L J Trostel Jr
