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October 20, 2014
Princeton Cemetery Commission
Meeting – Monday October 20, 2014
Town Hall Annex
November 15. 2014

Present: Lou Trostel, Lynne Grettum, Ron Milenski, Paul Constantino, Andy Brown
Meeting Commenced – Approximately 7:03 pm in the Annex

Minutes of September Meeting were approved as written.

South Cemetery Improvement Discussion
As most members had not read Lynne’s notes on improvements for South Cemetery, we agreed to defer the discussion until the November meeting.

Wreaths Across  America
Mary Cringen , Principal of Thomas Prince School, requested permission to have students  place wreathes on each veteran’s grave site. This is a follow-up on a similar program last year. It will be a local affair this time without the truck convoy we had last year.The commission agreed this was a good program and Mary Cringen should go ahead.

Bronze Veterans Markers Charge
There could be a $125 charge for veterans bronze markers that are sent for each veteran’s grave site. The commission agreed to permanently waive this $125 charge.

Anderson Family Lot Purchases
The Anderson family has asked if they could purchase 11 lots. They will confirm this request by November 17.

Superintendent Manual Labor Pay Rate
The new Superintendent wants to confirm a pay rate for his hours of manual labor which he estimates will cover about 5 hours a week. The suggested rate will be confirmed with the Town Administrator.

North Cemetery – Difficult Lots
The superintendent reports difficulties (excessive rockyness) with some lots in Section 71 (near the top of the slope) and suggests stop selling new lots in this area. These concerns will be reviewed with current Section 71 lot holders.

Operations Review
The Superintendent presented a number of items in his comprehensive 2 page review of operations.

There were 3 cremation burials.
There were no lots sold.

He will get the Building Inspector to review the integrity of the vaults at Meetinghouse Cemetery. We should remind the members of the Historical Commission working in that cemetery that no one should enter these old vaults.

The question was raised as to where to move the 2 Bagg stones.

South Cemetery should be researched to locate the paupers’ graves that were moved there when Calimint Hill road was relocated.

Loose grave stones at Meetinghouse Cemetery should be surveyed by the Superintendent and the PHC group doing the renovations in that cemetery.  The two large plastic boxes discussed at earlier meetings to hold the broken gravestone fragments have been purchased.

A commercial grade mower is being considered for purchase next year – as a capital item probably ranging in the $3500 to $6500 range with the top end mowers probably meeting our performance requirements best.

West Cemetery gate – The new gate as installed appears too high and should be moved to the auto entrance. Next year the Superintendent plans to reinstall the granite posts.

Flag Poles – We would like to change the installation of the flag pole at South Cemetery to more like the Woodlawn flagpole so South’s flag is lit by a spotlight rather than just the street light.

Computer Mapping of the Cemeteries – A laptop computer was donated by the Police Department. The Superintendent will try utilizing it and is looking for the appropriate software.

Wetlands Survey – To expand utilization of Woodlawn Cemetery, an engineering survey of the “wetlands” must be conducted we have been informed - which will be expensive. Perhaps a portion of this expense could be paid for by funds in the Lot Sales account which currently stands at approximately $14k.

Next Month – Anne Littlefield has questions about the Twitchell lot which we should discuss. Also we should begin our longer range planning..

Next meeting
The next meeting of the Cemetery Commission is scheduled for Monday November 17th.

The meeting was adjourned at approximately 8:54 PM

L J Trostel Jr, Secretary/Chairman
