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June 16, 2014
Princeton Cemetery Commission
Meeting – Monday June 16, 2014
Town Hall Annex

July 4, 2014

Present: Lou Trostel, Lynne Grettum, Paul Constantino, Bruce Rollins

South Cemetery Tour – at 6pm –
The group met at South Cemetery with Gina Constantino of the Princeton Garden Club to discuss landscaping improvement ideas we might implement at South – to make it more welcoming. Gina and the group suggested a number of ideas for several plantings. Lynne took notes on these suggestions and will have them for our review at our July meeting.

We decided we would try similar review tours at West and Parker 1, meeting at 6 pm at West Cemetery on July 14th.

The meeting was reconvened at about 7:09 pm in the Annex.

The minutes of the May meeting were accepted with no corrections.

Request for waiver of lot purchase limit rule
The Andersons have requested a waiver of the lot limit rule so they may purchase 11 lots in Woodlawn for their family members living here now or grew up here. All commission members agreed to this request.

Woodlawn Wet Lands Study
The Conservation Commission said we first need to get an engineering study of the limits of wet lands in the area of Woodlawn we are interested in offering lots in.
Next steps – get an engineer’s name and an estimate of the cost of such a study.

Personnel – Superintendent Job Search
Job has been posted internally.
It should be posted on the town news
One resident expressed some interest in the job and has gone on a tour of the sites with the Town Administrator without making a decision yet on accepting the job.
The new superintendent need should be brought to the Selectmen’s attention and in ads in the newspapers.

Bruce plans to leave July 1. The superintendent need is immenent.

The summer help will need some day-to-day supervision and needs a work schedule developed for him.

Memorial Day went well.
Cemetery improvements needed:
South – Landscaping improvements discussed earlier at the site.
North – Needs weed killer in the stone drive
Woodlawn  - Driveway improvement – Conway may check with Bruce who will get an up-to-date price for the work.
West – New gate will be installed.

We should line up a second contractor capable of opening a grave site in case our current source, Conway. is unavailable at some point. The problem is finding a contractor with the proper equipment for this specialized job.

Lot Sales
One lot was sold.
The account currently has about a $15k balance.

There was one burial with two burials scheduled for this Saturday June 21.

Next Meeting
The next meeting of the Cemetery Commission will be held on Monday July 14th rather than the 3rd Monday, the 21st, because the chair will be out of town on the 21st.

We will gather at 6:00 PM the evening of the 14th at West Cemetery to discuss landscaping improvements and then move to Parker 1 for a similar review – before gathering at the Annex at 7PM for the more formal meeting.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 pm.

L J Trostel Jr, Secretary/Chairman
