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March 17, 2014
Princeton Cemetery Commission
Meeting – Monday March 17, 2014
Town Hall Annex

April 11, 2014

Present: Lou Trostel, Lynne Grettum, Paul Constantino, Bruce Rollins
Visitors – Alex Fiandaca & Shelia Dubman from the Historical Commission

The meeting was convened at about 7:10 pm

The minutes of the January 2014 meeting were accepted with no corrections. There was no meeting in February due to a lack of a quorum.

A movie will be shot in town on Sunday the 23rd. They will use the Parker 2 cemetery for some shots about 7 am. They have made a $1000 contribution to the Cemetery accounts.

Job Search
The search for a “working superintendent” will be posted in the Landmark (Employment page) and on the town web site.

We also are trying to hire summer help for a 25/30 hours a week job.

The new gate for West Cemetery is finished and will be installed in the spring with the advent of better weather.

There were no lot sales in the past two months.

Mapping & Surveying
We are looking at mapping/surveying several of the cemeteries – Woodlawn, South and West. We will coordinate this work with the “in-town” resources first.

Bruce has talked to the Conservation Board about what would be considered “wet lands” and not usable for lot sales in Woodlawn Cemetery in the new section and along Connor Lane. Their first suggestion was to hire a licensed engineer to review the area.

South Cemetery Landscaping
The Princeton Garden club has agreed to have a “walk through” at South to check out the existing landscaping and suggest enhancements – again – in the Spring with improving weather.

Princeton Historical Commission Discussions
Alex and Shelia had several items they wanted to discuss with the Cemetery Commission.

The first was the 1776 grave stone of a 4 year old boy returned to the town by a couple from Washington DC who had bought it at a ‘70s auction. The date of the removal of the stone from Meetinghouse Cemetery is unknown but the stone was in the cemetery in an inventory of the cemeteries performed in the ‘40’s.

The Historical Commission is planning a footstone workshop about April 26th

There are a number of grave stone “fragments” that have been discovered in Meeting house Cemetery. Proper disposal of these fragments is a question. It was suggested they be collected and stored in a “drywell” buried in the graveyard road. Bruce suggested using a 3x3x8 concrete vault which sounded OK to all.. Several of the most interesting pieces will be offered to the Historical Society for their museum collection.

More gravestone restoration work is planned and the PHC is asking the town this year for $3500 to finance this work. This work would be accomplished in the late summer and fall, finishing up next spring.

They are coordinating a graveyard tour with the Congregational Church and the “Gravestone Girls” as part of the church’s 250th celebration.

Next Meeting
Because the Patriots Day holiday in April is the 21st, the next meeting of the Cemetery Commission will be held on Monday April 28, 2014.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:35 pm.

L J Trostel Jr, Secretary/Chairman
