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August 18, 2014
Princeton Cemetery Commission
Meeting – Monday August 18, 2014
Town Hall Annex

September 12, 2014

Present: Lou Trostel, Lynne Grettum, Paul Constantino, Ron Milemski (Visitor). Bruce Rollins

Meeting Commenced – Approximately 7:05 pm in the Annex

We welcomed Rom Milenski who was visiting our meeting to perhaps volunteer to fill one of the vacancies on the Commission.

Cemetery Operations
Woodlawn Driveway Repair-
Bruce reported he had received an estimate of about $2000 to excavate a foot or so of the excessive crown in the drive and resurface the drive with stone dust to tighten up the surface.  The funds should be taken from the Eleanor Allen Trust fund. All 3 members of the Commission voted to proceed as outlined.

Extra lots in Woodlawn – 1986 Section
Bruce noted he has found the existing monuments are not evenly placed and found space between lots. These differences were similar in each of several rows. He feels if we restake the odd lot areas, we should end up with about 90 additional available lots.

He will make a listing of these odd lots for the record. We may have to move some monuments at some point to utilize the odd lots.

This points out the need to do some good mapping work in the cemeteries – utilizing the help of the CMPRC, we hope.

West Cemetery
We discussed several upgrades we might do to improve West Cemetery.

Project List
We should develop a project list at our next meeting,

Summer Help
Sam is currently reporting to John Lebeau daily. He (Sam) is keeping up with the cemetery maintenance need in his 40 hrs/week.

Equipment Needs
We will need to replace our zero-turn mower next year – it will be a significant cost item.

New Superintendent
We have recommended to John Lebeau that Andy Brown be appointed Cemetery Superintendent. John will take this recommendation to the Selectboard along with our letter of recommendation. It would be expected they would confirm the appointment at their next meeting.

We would expect Andy will work with Bruce for a smooth transition in Superintendents.

South Cemetery Upgrades
Lynne will resend her notes on upgrades we discussed for South Cemetery.

Minutes of July Meeting
The minutes of the July Cemetery Commission meeting were approved as written.

Next meeting
The next meeting of the Cemetery Commission is scheduled for Monday September 15th

The meeting was adjourned at approximately 8:35 PM

L J Trostel Jr, Secretary/Chairman
