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August 26, 2013
Princeton Cemetery Commission
Meeting – Monday August 26, 2013
Town Hall Annex
       September 17, 2013

Present: Lou Trostel, Lynne Grettum, Paul Constantino, Bruce Rollins
The meeting was convened at 7:05 pm

The minutes of the July 15 meeting were approved.

Operations – Bruce Reported
North Cemetery - The new stone road is done. Watering the grassy middle strip continues.
Woodlawn Cemetery - Work continues laying out lot markers. Bruce is leaving the old section “as is”. Laying out markers in the ’86 section indicates some spaces will have to sacrificed. Exactly how many is not determined yet but there should be approximately 150 spaces available.

The summer helper is working out well.

There were no lot sales

There was 1 cremation burial.

We need to plan to buy a new mower.

Paul commented that the Woodlawn Cemetery light looks good and that the new road in North Cemetery looks good as well.

Superintendent’s Job Search
We have received 2 applications in response to our job posting. Both seem very unlikely, from out of town people who don’t seem to understand the job’s scope. We are looking for a “Working” Superintendent at 30 to 35 hours/week for 8 months of the year.
Lou will review the poor response with John Lebeaux, Town Administrator.

Bruce had several proposals to make the job more appealing and better reflect its “size”.
The proposals are:
Move the pay rate up 1 notch on the pay scale to about $16+/hour.
Also, include insurance, sick pay and vacation benefits– these prorated to reflect the 8 month portion of the year operation.
And for the helper – a pay scale of about $12/hour with time and a half for weekend work.

The commission unanimously agreed these were good warranted adjustments in the job descriptions of the Commission’s employees. Lou will review these recommendations with John Lebeaux to discuss steps for their implementation.

Next regular monthly meeting of the Cemetery Commission will be Monday September 16.

L J Trostel Jr, Secretary/Chairman
