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June 17, 2013
Princeton Cemetery Commission
Meeting – Monday June 17, 2013
Town Hall Annex
                 July 13, 2013

Present: Lou Trostel, Lynne Grettum, Paul Constantino, Bruce Rollins
The meeting was convened at 7:05 pm

The minutes of the May meeting were approved.

Article for Town Meeting Warrant
The article passed to transfer  $17k from Cemetery Receipts Account to Maintenance Account to improve the road in North Cemetery, purchase metal lot markers to mark the corners of each lot for all the cemeteries, rebuild the gate at West Cemetery, and purchase loam, seed and regrade  the ’56 & ’86 sections of Woodlawn Cemetery.

Also the Superintendent’s salary increase was approved.

Superintendent’s Report
Bruce reported that a large pine tree had fallen in West Cemetery and had been cleaned up.

There were 4 cremation burials. Dick Wheeler helped out this month.

The Chairman wrote a reply to the town resident who had objected to our “No pets in the Cemetery” policy and its seeming application to only Woodlawn Cemetery. The chair responded that the policy applies to all cemeteries and is necessary to maintain the “decorum” of the cemeteries.

Master Plan for Cemetery Improvements
North road improvements – A quantity of cobble stone has been received (at the Highway Dept). Sean Conway will do the excavation and lay down a bed of stone dust before the cobble stones are laid down. We want to prioritize the work on this road improvement.
Lot marker placement - Also should be pushed in conjunction with the utilization of the mapping software.
The rebuilt gate for West Cemetery - To be similar to the gate constructed for Meetinghouse Cemetery.
A trench was used to install the flag light at Woodlawn Cemetery.

Summer Help
Dillon, our summer help, is working out well but will be leaving about the first of August. It was moved to raise his pay from $10/hr to $12/hr as of first if July. Motion passed. He will suggest a friend to fill the job after the first of August when he leaves.

Bruce has submitted a letter indication he wants to retire this year but will be available on an interim basis after the first of July.
In recruiting a successor, we need to pull up the job description and make sure the Selectmen understand we need to hire a replacement. There are two models – one of a superintendent who functions as a maintenance supervisor along with lot sales and burial arrangements and another of a superintendent who actually is engaged in the day-to-day maintenance activities at the cemeteries as well as the supervisory activities.

Next month’s meeting – Our next meeting is scheduled for July 15 at 7 pm

Meeting was adjourned at 8:10 PM

L J Trostel Jr, Secretary/Chairman
