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MAy 13, 2013
Princeton Cemetery Commission
Meeting – Monday May 13, 2013
Town Hall Annex
               June 15, 2013

Present: Lou Trostel, Lynne Grettum, Paul Constantino, Bruce Rollins
The meeting was convened at 6 pm

The minutes of the April meeting were approved.

Meetinghouse Cemetery
The Historical Commission’s conservation people working on preserving and restoring the old grave stones in Meetinghouse Cemetery have left in the cemetery materials from last year’s work which impedes Bruce’s efforts to clean up the cemetery for this spring. We asked them to remove the old materials and they agreed to have them removed by Memorial Day.

Articles for Town Meeting Warrant
The first article is a transfer of $17k from Cemetery Receipts Account to Maintenance Account to improve the road in North Cemetery, purchase metal lot markers to mark the corners of each lot for all the cemeteries, rebuild the gate at West Cemetery, and purchase loam, seed and regrade  the ’56 & ’86 sections of Woodlawn Cemetery.

The second article to raise and appropriate $2.5k to repair, restore and upgrade the ’96 Cemetery truck was withdrawn as the repairs have been done by the Highway Department.

Superintendent’s Report
Bruce reported that there was one full burial but the funeral home did not give Bruce our standard requested 3 day notice which makes it more difficult to accommodate the request. Similar short notice requests for burials were received 2 years ago.
2 lots were sold in Woodlawn.
Our part time summer help is on board and proving to be a good worker.
A letter of complaint from a town resident was received. They objected to our “No pets in the Cemetery” policy and it’s seeming application to only Woodlawn Cemetery. The chair will respond that the policy applies to all cemeteries and is necessary to maintain the “decorum” of the cemeteries.

Lights will be installed at cemeteries (Woodlawn and South) flying American flags as required by proper flag display rules.

A job description should be written up for the second person in the department. The person will be working 32 hours/week

Master Plan for Cemetery Improvements
Metal flush lot corner markers will be installed this summer.
The gates at South and West Cemeteries should be rebuilt as they were at Meetinghouse by Bill Johnson.
Software should be utilized for mapping the layout of lots.

Town Pound
The old Town Pound is located immediately adjacent to Meetinghouse Cemetery but currently is quite overgrown. If it was cleaned up and maintained, it would add to the Meetinghouse Cemetery historic area.

Next month’s meeting – Our next meeting is scheduled for June 17 at 7 pm

Meeting was adjourned at 7:19 PM

L J Trostel Jr, Secretary/Chairman
