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December 17, 2012
Princeton Cemetery Commission
Meeting – Monday December 17, 2012
Town Hall Annex
            January 11, 2013

Present: Lou Trostel, Lynne Grettum, Paul Constantino, Bruce Rollins

The meeting was convened at 7:05 pm

The minutes of the November meeting were approved.

Superintendent’s Report
There has been 1 burial in the past month.
Two lots have been sold.
The cemeteries are officially closed after November 15th.
All the cemeteries have been cleaned up for the winter.

Bruce said he plans to retire in 2 years.

Next Year’s Budget
The Town Manager is looking for a budget submitted by January 6th.    
He suggested level funding unless there are special circumstances.

Our suggested submission:

Superintendent’s Salary in ’13 budget $3816 (as before)

With a 32 week “season”, experience has shown the work of keeping 7 cemeteries in top shape takes 32 hours of the superintendent’s efforts plus about 20 hours per week of an assistant.
With a rate for superintendent supervisor as $14.56/hr for 32 weeks at 32 hrs/week = $14904.44
Plus an assistant for 32 weeks at 20 hrs/week at $12/hour = $7680
Yields a total of $22589.44 (rounded to $22590) for “Cemetery Salaries”

Cemetery Expenses at $4372 (as before)

Equipment need – Overhaul the truck at $2500 requiring a Town Meeting article
Cemetery Projects work as
#1 & #2 (last mo minutes) = $8000
#3 & #4 (last mo minutes) = $9000
Totaling $17000 earmarked for these 4 projects – taken from the “Cemetery Lot Funds” as we did for the South Cemetery work previously – which also will require a Town Meeting article.

Noted that the Cemetery Burial Fee account is capped at $5000. We should watch that it doesn’t exceed that max.

Next month’s meeting – The normal 3rd Monday in January is January 21 – which is the Martin Luther King holiday – so we need to meet either the Monday before (January 14) or the Monday after (January 28).

Meeting was adjourned at 8:42 PM

L J Trostel Jr, Secretary/Chairman
