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November 19, 2012
Princeton Cemetery Commission
Meeting – Monday – November 19, 2012
Town Hall Annex
December 14, 2012

Present: Lou Trostel, Lynne Grettum, Paul Constantino, Bruce Rollins

The meeting was convened at 7:07 pm

The minutes of the October meeting were approved.

Superintendent’s Report
There has been 1 cremation burial in the past month.
One lot in Woodlawn Cemetery has been sold.
The cemeteries are officially closed after November 15th.
All the cemeteries have been cleaned up for the winter except part of Meetinghouse and West Cemeteries.
Bruce’s helper has left as was anticipated.

An addition to the list of needs – quite a lot of  “lot markers” for delineating the corners of the lots in the active cemeteries. Bruce had an example of a suitable cast aluminum marker that would be installed flush at the corners of each lot. Bruce needs to determine the cost/marker.

The Cemetery truck needs to be “redone” at Monte Tech. Bruce will visit them to line up the work.

Superintendent’s Job Description
We should review the description developed by the consultant with the Personnel Board and add our comments and suggestions.
West Boylston has a “working Superintendent” with year-round operations including plowing in the winter.

Bruce will develop a list of projects as a spreadsheet with Lynne.
Lot corner markers installation in active cemeteries and an improved road in North Cemetery should be included in this list.

Cemetery Improvements
Very positive comments have been received about the improvements installed at South Cemetery. People have said it “looks great”.

The revised regulations were reviewed and agreed to be OK. They should be posted on the town website with a copy to the Town Manager and a copy to the Selectmen. In addition, copies should be sent to the local funeral directors.

Next Meeting – December 17, 2012

The meeting was adjourned at 8:05 pm.

L J Trostel Jr, Secretary/Chairman
