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April 23, 2012
Princeton Cemetery Commission
Meeting – Monday – April 23, 2012
Town Hall Annex
May 9, 2012

Present: Lou Trostel, Dave Milton, Lynne Grettum, Paul Constatino and Bruce Rollins.

The meeting was convened at about 7:10 PM in the Annex
The minutes from the March meeting were approved.

Updates for the Cemetery Commission information on the town website
Add a note in the rules to specify that the closed season is November 15 to April 15.

Rules on the website
Lynn will do a work-up of the rules for our next meeting.

Lot Buy-Back Policy
Reword the policy to indicate this is not a promise. The funds to implement this policy will come from the Cemetery Lots Account (i.e. lot sales).

Price for cremation burials was $160.
We now are requiring the use of small vaults which we will supply at a cost of $80.
Therefore the price of cremation burials will now be $260.

Superintendent’s Report
Drain pipes were added to the steep road in North Cemetery to try to mitigate the washing out of this steep drive.

About 12 monuments were righted that had fallen over in several cemeteries.
There were 2 full burials.
There were 4 lots sold.
The budget is healthy.

Bruce would like to spend about $1000 for trees and shrubs to wrap up the landscaping work at South Cemetery. Lynn volunteered to help Bruce select these plantings.

Bruce noted he had recently deposited about $1700 from burials in the revolving account but it doesn’t show in the current account report. He will investigate.

Meetinghouse Cemetery Monument Reclamation
Alex Fiandaca called to say the Historical Commission is resuming their reclamation work on monuments in Meetinghouse cemetery with the return of spring weather. They have accumulated a number of fragments of monuments in their work. They would like our input on the proper handling of these fragments.

Next Meeting
We agreed we would meet with the Historical Commission representatives at our next meeting May 21 at 7 pm at Meetinghouse cemetery to view these fragments. We will then continue our regular meeting in the Annex,

The meeting was adjourned at 7:51 pm.

L J Trostel Jr, Secretary/Chairman
