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October 24, 2011
Princeton Cemetery Commission
Meeting – Monday – October 24, 2011
Town Hall Annex
       October 29, 2011

Present: Lou Trostel, Paul Constantino, Lynn Grettum, and Bruce Rollins. Also present – Alex Fiandaca and Shelia Dubman from the Princeton Historical Commission

The meeting was convened at 7:00 PM in the Annex with two visitors from the Historical Commission who came to describe the gravestone reclamation work they are funding in Meeting House cemetery.

PHC Gravestone Reclamation Work
Alex Fiandaca reviewed their work since 2007. They have worked on 67 gravestones resetting, cleaning, infilling cracks and installing new bases in some cases. Also they have conducted several workshops on gravestone care. This year they have worked on 20 stones successfully utilizing the help of inmates furnished by the county jail. They hope to continue to utilize this source of help next year as well. There are about 30 or 40 more stones that need attention.

In the process they have accumulated a number of gravestone fragments that they are looking for guidance from us about the fragments future. There are two groups –
a. fragments that can be associated with a specific gravestone and
b. fragments that have no obvious gravestone association.
We should discuss this at our next meeting.

Also there are two gravestones from the Bagg family, originally buried at Meetinghouse Cemetery but subsequently moved to Woodlawn Cemetery with new headstones. We suggested the two stones from Meetinghouse be stored in the vault at Woodlawn.

Superintendent’s Report
There was one cremation burial this month at Woodlawn Cemetery.

Trees at Woodlawn – The clump of 3 large trees next to the drive into the cemetery is seriously leaning since the hurricane brushed by us. PMLD removed the one leaning over the power line coming into the cemetery. The other two have 50% of their base now missing. The commission authorized Bruce to spend up to $1500 to have these two trees removed before they fall.

The bottom branches of Blue Spruce trees bordering the cemetery near the Ollila lots in Woodlawn were trimmed by Bruce who now feels they look OK – much improved.

North – The severely eroded road has been filled as a temporary fix but a longer term more expensive fix is needed.

South – Stonewall rebuilding work was discussed. Susan’s wall building man visited the site according to Bruce. He thinks the man may be more expensive than we can afford with our budget. Other wall rebuilding possibilities were discussed. Monty Tech has a stone wall building course. Bruce will check out if we could get some help from them. Also, the use of County Jail prisoners was suggested,

Fee Collection
Bruce expressed concern about collecting the fees for such as gravestone base installation (which we do now at a charge of $185).
For the sale of lots, the money must be received before Lynn G sends out the deed. She will review this exact process for us at our next meeting.
For bases – we will publish a form on our website to be filled in by those ordering the base installation. The form will require the specific dimensions needed for the base and require full payment of the fee before we undertake installing a base. Bruce will notify all the gravestone suppliers of this procedure.

Fall Clean-up
Bruce noted the wet, relatively mild weather has kept the grass growing longer than usual making leaf debris collection slower and more difficult.  Any cleanup missed in the fall will be tackled in the spring.

Superintendent Replacement
Bruce suggested we should be lining up a long-term replacement for him. He sees no immediate need for a change at present but “someday”. Lynn will leave a copy of his job description developed several years ago in his mail box for review.

Financial Status
Bruce noted we are in OK shape with the budget.

Commission Chairman
Now we are at full membership, we should elect a chair.

Next Meeting
We plan to meet next on Monday November 21st at 7:00 pm at the Annex. This is the 3rdh Monday

The meeting was adjourned at 8:05 pm.

L J Trostel Jr, Secretary