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September 19, 2011
Princeton Cemetery Commission
Meeting – Monday – September 19, 2011
Town Hall Annex
                   September 29, 2011

Present: Lou Trostel, Paul Constantino, Susan Ollila, and Bruce Rollins. Also present – Gerry Gannelli (visitor)

The meeting was convened at 7:00 PM at the Meetinghouse Cemetery so we could get a good overview of the condition of this cemetery. The overall conclusion of the group was that the cemetery looked in good shape. There were some materials stored and some graves marked for the Expert reclamation work the Historical Commission is funding. Work is scheduled to start 09/20 utilizing prisoners supplied by the Sheriff.

After the Meetinghouse Cemetery viewing, the meeting was reconvened in the Annex at 7:20 pm.

Superintendent’s Report
There were no burials in the last month. One monument base was installed in Woodlawn.
The O’Donnell’s bought a second lot in North Cemetery.

Trees at Woodlawn – A clump of 3 or 4 large trees next to the drive into the cemetery is seriously leaning since the hurricane brushed by us. Bruce will check with Joe Lee about the proper next steps with these trees.

Blue Spruce trees bordering the cemetery near the Ollila lots in Woodlawn are in “tough shape” with many dying/dead areas. The Ollilas would like to help replace these trees.  Susan suggested replacement with Swamp White Oaks with a screen of arborvitae between them

North – Still has a PMLD support pole in the middle of the limited parking area.

South – Stonewall rebuilding work was discussed. A lot of the damage is from a number of winter’s snow plowing of the surrounding roads. It was suggested to get 80 ft of wall rebuilt would cost $3k to $5k. Obviously we need a quote to make any decision. Also we need some numbers for the trees suggested for this cemetery.

Lot Buy-Back
Susan has a simple document used in Brooklyn for unused lot buy-backs.

Other Cemetery Items
A chain has been installed across the entrance to the road up into North Cemetery to discourage “hill climbing events” which cause serious erosion.

Records Computerization
A scalable cemetery information/record keeping/mapping/customer inquiry database program (CIMS) was located on-line and could be of interest and help to our system.

Commission Membership
Lynn Grettem is interested in serving on the commission which would fill out our roster.
(Note: On Monday Sept 26, the Board of Selectmen appointed Lynn to the Commission. Welcome aboard, Lynn!)

Next Meeting
We plan to meet next on Monday October 24 at 7:00 pm at the Annex. This is the 4th Monday rather than the usual 3rd.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:03 pm.

L J Trostel Jr, Secretary
