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July 18, 2011
Princeton Cemetery Commission
Meeting – Monday – July 18, 2011
South Cemetery & Town Hall Annex
           July 13, 2011

Present: Lou Trostel, Paul Constantino & Susan Ollila
Bruce Rollins was sick and could not attend. David Milton was in Maine.

The meeting was convened at 7:05 PM at South Cemetery

South Cemetery Review
The group met at South Cemetery to view its landscaping as this is the cemetery proposed for some landscaping work this year.

In summary, we were pleased at the neat appearance of the cemetery. It was neatly trimmed throughout. We did see that some additional trees and shrubs could be added to “soften” the overall landscape. Also, there are sections of the bordering stone wall that could be rebuilt from its current tumbled condition especially near the Brooks Station/Ball Hill Roads intersection.

We wondered how many lots are available at South? Are there “abandoned lots” that families are no longer interested in – that possibly could be “bought back” to eventually resell to families looking for cemetery lots.

Paul noted that the flag pole at Woodlawn adds a very good touch to the grounds and that there is none at South – and suggested we should consider a flag pole at each of the cemeteries.

The question was raised “What is the oldest grave in South?”

After viewing South, the group adjourned to the Town Hall Annex to reconvene at
7:37 pm.

Superintendent’s Report
Since Bruce was not present, there was no Superintendent’s report.
Bruce’s illness points out that John Lebeaux’s suggestion of developing a Superintendent “understudy” obviously is a good idea.

We had a discussion of lots/availability/etc. Since the central point of the information on lots is in the Town Clerk’s office, we agreed it would be helpful if we would invite Lynn Grettum to attend our meeting to bring us up to speed on the “lot/location” information.

Susan was disturbed by the duplication of a personally designed memorial stone by another family and asked what controls there are?

Next Meeting
We plan to meet next on Monday August 15th at 6:30 pm at Meetinghouse Cemetery and then view Woodlawn Cemetery before reconvening at the Annex to continue our meeting.
The group felt if we met at 6:30 we could cover two cemeteries a month.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 pm.

L J Trostel Jr, Secretary
