TOWN OF PRINCETON MA Cable Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes October 26th, 2016 CAC members in attendance: Darcy Rowell, Paul Caneen, Phil Gransewicz, David Union (6:38pm), R. Lane Ware Advisory Board members in attendance: Wayne Adams BoS in atendance: None Guests: town residents Cable Advisory Committee Agenda: Old Business Current Sterling Franchise Renewal Features/language for Princeton Southborough IAR Features/language for Princeton Develop document of sections for IAR Features/language for Princeton Prioritize for IAR New Business Update from Cable Division, Department of Telecommunications and Cable (DTC) Additional Research Assign tasks Public Comment CAC Meeting 6:31 PM - The meeting was called to order. Motion to approve 10/19/2016 CAC meeting minutes. Motion passed 4-Yes, 0-No, 0-Abstain The CAC discussed posting all reference documents the Committee uses on the town web site. The CAC discussed the creation of a new and seperate area for Cable on the town web site to elimimnate any confusion with the PBMLP and its responsibilities. The Committee discussed how it would approach the development of the IAR. A suggestion was made to use some the same format and sections as existing cable agreements. It was felt the current Town of Sterling agreement would be a good template to use. The Committee decided to focus on sections 3, 4 and 7 as a starting point. The Committee discussed various aspects the Town of Westminster It was suggested the DTC Municipal Liason be invited to one of our meetings. Committe members were asked to contact various town CACs to gather information: Paul Caneen - Rutland Phil Gransewicz - Holden, Greenfield Darcy Rowell - Sterling R. Lane Ware - Westminster David Union would continue his agreement research & consolidation effort. 8:02 PM - Meeting was adjourned.