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November 13, 2014
Princeton Broadband Committee  - Information Session Meeting

Meeting Minutes November 13, 2014 7:00pm  - Town Hall Annex, Princeton, MA

Committee Members Present:

Ned Utzig
Bill Dino
Stan Moss
Rich Wagner
Petr Spacek
Phil O’Brien
John Kowaleski

Approximately 25 town residents attended the session.

  • John K. Presented a 15 minute overview of the plan to residents, followed by Q&A.
  • Question on debt exclusion vote.
  • Question on fiber runs and long runs to town.
  • Which neighborhoods have direct burial?  
  • Questions on install fees for house beyond 250 ft.
  • Is 50MB/sec a guaranteed rate?  What is the min guaranteed?
  • Is the $95/rate guaranteed?  
  • Question on whether wired is the way to go? Why not wireless?
  • Question on 802.11ac speeds
  • Question on backhaul capacity, if it will be sufficient.
  • Question on ISP and Matrix’s experience with ISP service.
  • How many houses in Princeton?  
  • Will Millennium take out a performance bond?
  • What does Millennium’s balance sheet look like?
  • What percentage of town on Ayacht?
  • Who’s going to pay for the fiber if it breaks?
  • Question on Leverett taxes versus Princeton.
  • Question on net neutrality.
  • Question on how service is provided, who we call etc.
  • How long is the signup period.
  • Can the ISP fee go up?
  • Will there be a business package with static IPs?
Action Items
  • Refine slides
Upcoming Agenda Items
  • Pre-STM meeting on 11/17.

Meeting adjourned  8:28PM

Respectfully submitted,
Ned Utzig