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Juy 30, 2014
Princeton Broadband Committee

Meeting Minutes July 30, 2014 7:00pm  - Town Hall Office, Princeton, MA

Chris Lynch from Millennium Design, and Phyllis Booth from The Landmark also attended.

Committee Members Present:

Stan Moss
John Kowaleski
Ned Utzig
Phil O’Brien
Dag Olsen
Bill Dino


  • Approve 7/2 Minutes – Unanimously Approved.
  • John K: Update on Millennium Issues: John L. has contacted the attorney in Springfield – Meeting on August 12th. John/Stan will go to meeting on behalf of MLP.  Counsel so far is that we do not need a charter to start on MLP process.  Meeting will discuss whether accepting Millenniums offer expose town to any risk, and what an acceptable contract/MOU should look like etc.
  • Stan: Update on Wired West meeting.  Stan spoke to Mr. Epstein after the meeting.  He believes that MBI will name a replacement director once funding is approved.  Recommends we get a “hard accounting” of our costs in preparation for making a funding request via MBI, and to deal directly with MBI for funding requests.
  • Carlson Editorial – letter to the editor by Michael Cote with comments will appear this week in the Landmark, Phil is also posting a response article on the website as well.  General discussion and review on feasibility of idea from a technical perspective. Consensus was that technology does not scale to the size of the town.
  • FCC Experiments in Rural Broadband. $100M approved for funding, up to $20M to any single project.  Applications due by October.    Need “FRN” FCC Registration Number.   Ned to discuss with John L. (MLP manager)  and obtain if requested.
  • Discussion on distributing minutes/agenda to advisory board and MLP.  Ned will create an extended BBC list to distribute minutes to AB and MLP.
Action Items

  • Discussion on Wired West application status.
  • FCC FRN number application number.   (Ned)
  • Create extended BBC dist list for AB and MLP.

Upcoming Agenda Items

  • Next meeting 8/13.
  • Summary of Aug 12th attorney meeting.
  • Update on FCC application process.
Meeting adjourned  8:10 PM

Respectfully submitted,
Ned Utzig