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June 11, 2014
Princeton Broadband Committee

Meeting Minutes June 11, 2014 7:01pm  - Town Hall Office, Princeton, MA

Chris Lynch from Millennium Design also attended.

Committee Members Present:

Stan Moss
Ned Utzig
Dag Olsen
Petr Spacek
Phil Obrien
John Kowaleski
Rich Wagner


  • Approve 6/4 Minutes – Unanimously Approved.
  • Millennium Memo of Understanding review.   Chris characterized the document as being informal, offered to author a more formal agreement if desired.    Millennium’s position is that Chapter 164 section 47C covers a contract with the town, the town needs to confirm this is true.  John Lebeaux has the opinion that the project must go out to bid.  Chris Lynch disagrees and says that an MLP has the authority to act in the best interest of the town and to proceed as they see fit.   He also stated that the purchasing laws for the town are different from the laws governing the MLP.
  • Chris stated that if the town were to go out to bid, Millennium may not choose to bid on the project, interpreting it as the town being unsatisfied with the Millennium offer.
  • Stan asked for contact info for Millennium’s counsel so the town’s counsel can engage them.   Chris suggested contacting Jim Drawe from Wired West.
  • Stan mentioned that town has to determine whether MLP needs to create charter and bylaws.
  • Motion to forward amended Millennium Memo of Understanding to the MLP, Unanimously Approved.
  • Phil has completed and published info packet to dropbox and has received some feedback so far. Barring any concerns it is ready to publish.  Discussion on how to propagate to BBC interest list.  
  • John K. put together a cover letter for Harriet Chandler, discussion and edits.  John to put on Dropbox.  Motion to send editor letter endorsed by MLP manager to Harriet Chandler .   Unanimously Approved.
  • No progress on H.3770, Phil’s information is that the bill has lots of addendums and has changed dramatically, may have issues being passed.
  • Ned updated committee on USDA grant.  62 page application, needs to be parceled out.   John K. to check with his contact at USDA to confirm that is feasible to apply.
  • Stan corresponded with Wired West on paperwork required to join.  Required documents include: certification from town clerk, BOS selectman chair document certifying the town voted to join.
  • MLP meeting posted 11:15AM Friday at Town Hall Office.  Agenda is to consider Wired West application work.
  • Discussion on setting up website for MLP.
  • Discussion on domain names for Princeton –
Action Items

  • Chris to get contact info for Millennium Counsel.
  • John K. check with USDA contact re: Community Connect
  • Ned to send out link to USDA proposal material.
  • Remind MBI that they are invited to come meet with us.
Upcoming Agenda Items

  • USDA grant – discussion and work organization.
  • Talk to ISP (Crocker Comm.)  (6/18 tentative)
  • Wired West update
  • Millennium MOU update.
  • Next Meeting on 6/18.

Meeting adjourned 7:58PM

Respectfully submitted,
Ned Utzig