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April 23, 2014
Princeton Broadband Committee

Meeting Minutes April 23, 2014 6:59pm  - Town Hall Office, Princeton, MA

Chris Lynch from Millennium Design and Phyllis Booth (Landmark) also attended.

Committee Members Present:

Stan Moss
Ned Utzig
Phil Obrien
John Kowaleski
Bill Dino
Dag Olsen


  • Approve 4/9 Minutes – Unanimously Approved.
  • Discussion on memo from John L. to allocate $5K for legal expenses to the Broadband articles on the town warrant versus the general fund.  Language to be updated accordingly.
  • Discussion on meeting with Advisory Board for Monday 4/28 at 1:30PM.   Two BBC members can attend, no need to post the meeting since no quorum.  Ned will advise John L.
  • Chris L. : Millennium Mailing has gone out.  1450 postcards went out, to residents who respond to annual census list.  
  • Leverett multi-town meeting on Broadband tomorrow 4/24.  Millennium will provide pizza for the meeting. Stan and John will attend.
  • Larger table going into Library from Annex for event on May 3rd.  Millennium has added a drawing for Roku box.  
  • Current Millennium proposal.  Legal issues on public/private partnership.  As long as the town is a municipal light plant there should be no problem.  Millennium is waiting on two issues.  Public/private arrangement is a new model, unprecedented in MA and needs further research.  Second issue is regarding taxes and whether they need to be paid up front, would be a large burden to Millennium.  An agreement with Millennium would be signed once these issues are clarified.
  • CAI light-up – Circuit is running but not at 50Mbs.  Stan transitioned Library and Town hall to new circuit using fixed IPs from Cornerstone.  Speed tests range but in the 20-30Mbps range.  
  • Stan asked the town treasurer to consult with financial advisor on hypothetical make-ready costs.  For simplicity, Stan calculated 10 years on a State House Note.  For $1M rate would be 3.25%.  
  • MBI/Wired West.  Stan talked about ways to leverage the value of the last mile funding for the project.   Wired west had an executive meeting after talking to Princeton, voted to accept Princeton into Wired West pending MLP approval.  MBI has concerns that senate has taken no action on IT bond bill.  
  • Discussion on sending Library open-house invites to legislature members, MBI, etc.  Event is not a speaking opportunity, need to be careful not to set wrong expectations.  Demo uses Axia/MBI connections that are state funded however, so members should probably be invited.   Chris L. will make the decision/call.
  • Phil Leaman contract has been put into the budget (article 6), $10,000 quote.
  • John added four pages of Q&A for Advisory Committee to Dropbox.

  • Action Items
  • Message to John L. regarding Advisory Board meeting.  (Ned)
  • Send invite cards for demo to Legislature Members and MBI. (Phil/Chris)

  • Upcoming Agenda Items
  • Next Meeting on 5/7
  • Leverett trip report
  • Advisory Committee Report
  • Demo wrap-up
Meeting adjourned  8:00 PM

Respectfully submitted,
Ned Utzig