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January 22, 2014
Princeton Broadband  Committee

Meeting Minutes January 22, 2014 7:05pm  - Town Hall Office, Princeton, MA

Committee Members Present:

Steve Cullen
Bill Dino
Petr Spacek
Stan Moss
Ned Utzig
John Kowaleski
Dag Olsen

Three Princeton Residents, Phyllis Booth (Landmark) and Chris Lynch from Matrix Design also attended.

  • Approved minutes from 1/8, unanimous.
  • Race to the Top FTTH grant summary by Ned.  Fiber to the Home Council proposal to the FCC that a portion of the universal service fund be allotted for grants to rural communities for broadband.   Grants would stress creative use of the funding to benefit community, up to $10M per applicant awarded. A decision on funding this program will be made by the FCC on 1/30.  The BBC should prepare to submit an “expression of interest” for Princeton should it be approved.
  • Waiver from DTC status – waived 60 day to 45.  Starts day we publish, today or tomorrow.
  • CATV Licensing update.  Official request has been posted to the Worcester Telegram & Gazette, 45 day period commences.
  • Budget proposal letter – Phil wrote up BBC, sent to town.  Mid Feb. update.
  • Update from Stan on ISP selection for CAIs (Library, Town Hall, etc.) once MBI lights up the fiber to town.  Selectman under procurement laws must solicit 3 bids for ISP for CAI’s when they are lit up (school etc.)  Unofficial requests sent to ISPs, official requests to be sent out this week, John L. as procurement officer will send out official bids.  Projections are that cost for service to CAI’s will be the same or less than current service
  • Update from Stan on second half of network design  (technical specifications, equipment selection etc.)  Identified a network project engineer, John L.  would like BBC to interview.   Phil Leaman and his partner Dave, interview next week. Stan will produce paper plot versions of the network design for them by the end of the week.
  • Annual Report update – Steve to complete by 2/15.
  • Steve researched vote on wind farm – article #2 was a windmill vote contrary to statements made last week, however article language not known and/or original article at the meeting regarding funding may have been skipped over.  
  • Net neutrality update/question from Dag – would like to put something on the website regarding recent decisions on net neutrality?  Discussion:  Actual outcome of the decision is still TBD and depends on FCC interpretation/actions.  Bill mentioned we should keep it in mind as a possible requirement/stipulation prior to getting into any ISP contracts.
Action Items
  • Stan to send network information to Phil L. and Dave.
  • Stan to confirm schedule for 1/29 for interviewing Phil and Dave.
  • Steve to complete annual report item for BBC
Upcoming Agenda Items
  • Interview with Phil L. and partner for contract work completing network design.
  • Work on RFP requirements for Cable licensees (as needed)
  • Comcast  visit – still tentatively scheduled for Feb 5th.
Meeting adjourned 7:41PM

Respectfully submitted,
Ned Utzig