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December 2, 2013
Princeton Broadband  Committee

Meeting Minutes December 2, 2013 7:10pm  - Town Hall Annex, Princeton, MA

Committee appeared before the Princeton Board of Selectman at their weekly meeting starting at 7:10 PM.  

Committee Members Present:

Steve Cullen
Phil O’Brien
John Kowaleski
Petr Spacek
Stan Moss
Rich Wagner
Ned Utzig

  • John Lebeaux summarized the current situation regarding the BBC’s investigations regarding a municipally-funded broadband solution, and subsequent discovery of some level of interest by private cable operators.
  • Stan Moss gave a more detailed timeline of BBC discussions with the cable operators, including initial efforts to engage with them that were not productive, and later more encouraging discussions with Charter.
  • Charter would build in a density of 20-25 houses/mile.  Princeton has 80+ miles of road, with lower average density (approximately 15 houses/mile).
  • Charter has indicated that in their builds west of us, they do not serve all areas of a town and will probably never serve all areas
  • BOS question regarding what kind of speed would be provided?  BBC responded that a required speed could be specified by the town as part of the licensing process.
  • BOS question regarding how a cable company would determine what percentage of the town would be served?  
  • BOS question – could the town do anything to make it easier/more attractive for the cable companies – provide maps and/or information on who would be interested?  BBC responded we can provide geographic data but the cable operators would have to do their own marketing / research on possible subscription rates.
  • Steve Cullen described a possible mitigation strategy for outlying areas that may use alternate technology or alternate service packages to serve those areas.
  • BOS – Looking at the map, are there any areas that are obviously too far off the map to consider for service?  John K. mentioned that private operators will probably not pay for installation beyond 300 feet from the pole, and would not install underground, per initial meeting with Charter.
  • Discussion regarding BBC Recommendation to board is to initiate the Cable Licensing process.
  • BBC would do all the needed paperwork for the BOS.
  • John L. – should the board decide to move forward, the board could determine/mandate deadlines.
  • Board would contact state dept. of telecommunications and advertise, set an application deadline.  We need to determine what an acceptable deadline might be.
  • Once deadline comes, assuming you get applications, town has 90 days to issue “Issuing Authority Report” / RFP, denoting what the town seeks.
  • John L. – town should engage counsel who is knowledgeable in this area to assist in our licensing application process to help us through it.
  • Public hearing, where applicants can make proposals
  • The board has 90 days to award a license or decide not to, applicants have 90 days to respond, then up to another 12 months may be needed to grant final licenses.
  • Entire licensing process could take up to 2 years.
  • John L – recommends BOS approve BBC licensing recommendation, engage counsel, and appoint a cable advisory committee.
  • Stan M – proposed town appoints the BBC as the cable advisory committee, to a term expiring on June 30, 2014.   APPROVED BY BOS.
  • Motion to engage legal counsel – discussion on possible costs.  Motion to authorize town administrator to engage in exploratory discussions on engaging a counsel for the licensing process – APPROVED BY BOS
  • Next meeting 12/18.
Meeting adjourned with BOS at 7:51 pm, continued in adjoining room for a BBC-only session:

  • Steve read question responses.  Edits to questions submitted by residents should go to Steve.
  • Wednesday 12/4 meeting is cancelled.
  • Final design of network should be completed this week.
  • Phil to write something up for the website regarding BOS meeting.
  • Chris L:  $40M MBI money upped to $50M, recently added.

  • Upcoming Agendas
  • Meeting on 12/4 is cancelled.
  • No meeting 12/11 (town holiday party)
  • Meeting on 12/18

Meeting adjourned 8:20PM

Respectfully submitted,
Ned Utzig