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September 18, 2013
Princeton Broadband  Committee

Meeting Minutes September 18, 2013  7:00pm  Town Hall, Princeton, MA

Meeting called to order at  7:02 PM.  Committee Members Present:

Ned Utzig
Phil O’Brien
Rich Wagner
John Kowaleski
Petr Spacek
Stan Moss

Chris Lynch from Matrix Design Group also attended.

  • Update postcard decisions / discussion.
  • Phil completed white paper, to be posted to website.
  • Letter to State Reps sent regarding making sure Princeton is considered for funding for last mile $40M.  Kim Ferguson went to hearing, sent a message that our input into the bill was accepted. Leverett’s state rep promised to follow it through.
  • Stan has meeting on 9/19 with MBI/Judy DuMont, regarding Princeton’s issues with Western MA Survey, how MBI can help Princeton, the last-mile bond bill, and Axia pricing.
  • A lot of pole progress, map is now at 66% done. (John)
  • Bill has meeting with Charter with Tom Buechel  - carrier sales, interested in deal with Princeton.  Will schedule a meeting with him next meeting or thereafter.
  • Chris talked to Verizon planning, LightTower, AmericanTower on what they pay for dark fiber.  Around $50/mile/fiber/month.   Most vendors would want two fibers.  Translates to at least several thousand dollars a month of income, assuming multiple vendors would use the fiber.
  • Network design – GIS data set has been delivered to Bay State Networks by John.
  • Discussion on methods to estimate the take-rate for service for the business model.
  • Update Postcard Production.
New Action Items
  • Rich to post white paper to Website on Monday. (Rich)
  • Rich to post update to website with pole progress (Rich)
  • Stan to report on visit with Judy DuMont / MBI with various questions/topics. (Stan)
Ongoing Business / Long Term Action Items

  • Stan/John + Subcommittee to work on RFI (9/18).
  • John to talk to Christine Hatch.  of MBI about mapping tool.
  • Research/find more example towns (All)
  • Decide date of special town meeting (All)
  • John/Stan to work on revised depreciation plan. (John/Stan)

Agenda for 9/25
  • Meeting with Charter Cable sales Rep Tom Buechel
  • Action Item Updates

Meeting adjourned 8:19 pm

Respectfully submitted,
Ned Utzig