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August 7, 2013
Princeton Broadband  Committee

Meeting Minutes August 7, 2013  7:00pm  Town Hall Office

Meeting called to order at  7:10 PM.  Committee Members Present:

Bill Dino
Ned Utzig
Petr Spacek
Phil OBrien
Stan Moss
John Kowaleski

Chris Lynch from  Matrix Design Group also attended.


  • Committee recognizes and congratulates John K. for his successful Pan Mass Challenge ride!
  • Verbally informed by Town Administrator from G4S that they are not going to supply a network design.  Need to look at purchasing law regarding design builds under Mass General Law 30/30B.    Project has to be estimated to be > $5M to qualify as a design build.    Construction law requires design/ bid/build.   
  • Need to decide where to go next on network design.    Is the $10K going to be sufficient to do a network design?   Possible viable avenue to get a network design is hiring a network design engineer to review/combine town-initiated survey efforts with RFI information into a network design.  Need to determine if this is a viable option, otherwise we would have to go back to town meeting to up our network design info.
  • John L. checking on draft ISP RFI.  No legal strict requirements for an RFI, should be straightforward.  
  • Not on track for September town meeting , probably will be pushed back to October.  Probably fine because MBI schedule is also pushed out.
  • Chris mentioned that Verizon probably has fiber in town that we may be able to get access to for short-term or for secondary access.
  • Verizon has a vested interest in removing copper, is there any incentive for them to work with us to install fiber and reduce need for copper?
  • Depreciation update from Stan.  Leverett was $23/month/subscriber .  Do we depreciate the ONTs, where the town pays for replacement, vs. town pays for initial ONTs but customers pay for replacement/breakage.    Leverett depreciates their fiber over 20 years.  Talked to 2 companies, fiber put in 30 years still going strong.  Other infrastructure like electric lines not depreciated.  John K suggestion: we depreciate only the electronics , up the maintenance amount.  Regular maintenance may be akin to depreciation over a long time span.
  • John distributed schedule proposal, for review.  

Action Items:

  • Stan to talk to MBI to get update specific to Princeton. (Stan)
  • Talk to Verizon about backhaul (Bill)
  • John K. to post soft copy of schedule.
  • Talk to Cell tower customers & tower providers (Brian Allen) about connecting to fiber / getting an ONT, could be a source of revenue. (Stan)
  • Talk to Sterling about their cable service and possibly providing service over Princeton Fiber. (Steve)
  • Talk with G4S about feasibility of splitting feed to town to East Princeton FD after plan is released from G4S. (Mike)
  • Talk to Westfield about depreciation. (John)
  • Meet with pole survey volunteers, organize further work (John)
  • Generate a revised near-term schedule for BBC activities (John)
  • Ideas for content for possible newsletters to town (All)
  • Work on draft for press release of revised schedule / recent update (Phil)
  • Chris to provide soft copy of IPTV document to committee. (Chris)
  • Polish ISP RFI (John)
  • Follow up with John L. on ability to spend network design money on a consultant (Stan)
  • Mike to put together page of reference towns, give to Rich to post (Mike, Rich)
  • Come up with a “success” definition for the BB project. (Steve)
  • Work with Jon F. on revised/realistic depreciation (Stan)

Upcoming Agenda for 8/14:  

  • Decide on moving town meeting.
  • Discussion/decision for network design
  • Review of John’s schedule for BBC.
  • Polished RFI for ISP from John
  • Review press release from Phil.
Meeting adjourned 8:17pm

Respectfully submitted,
Ned Utzig