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June 12, 2013
Princeton Broadband Committee   
Meeting minutes June 12. 2013
Meeting called to order at 7:05 pm. Committee members present: Steve Cullen, Phil O’Brien, Rich Wagner, Petr Spacek, Bill Dino, John Kowaleski and Stan Moss; Dag Olsen, Ned Utzig and Michael Cote were not present.
Review Phil’s yard sign mockups. Target date for set up is late July to mid August.
Stan updates: (1) change in WRSD budget assessment likely means swing from town meeting-voted tax bill reduction of $348 to increase of $17; potential impact to fiber borrowing; (2) updated PBBC on meetings with Crocker and Cornerstone as potential ISP’s for town buildings (Internet and VOIP phones services) when MBI fiber is activated in late August; (3) brief discussion of ballot initiative committee, independent of PBBC, to raise funds for communications expenses (mailings and yard signs) between July and September.
G4S has request to meet for a ‘kick off’ session with PBBC or representatives; Stan to coordinate.
PBBC discussed the possibility of issuing an RFI to ISP’s in advance of the planned September Special Town Meeting, to gain a solid indication of commitment to operate the potential fiber infrastructure. Stan to  obtain and distribute Leverett’s RFI as a potential template for PBBC.
Meeting adjourned at 8.28 pm.
Respectfully submitted, Stan Moss and Steve Cullen