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June 5, 2013
Princeton Broadband  Committee

Meeting Minutes  June 5, 2013  - Town Hall Office

Meeting called to order at  7:04 PM.  Committee Members Present:

Phil O’Brien
Petr Spacek
John Kowaleski
Stan Moss
Ned Utzig

G4S contract approved, press release to be issued.

Discussion of school network installation, planning on having the system ready for the fall.

Yesterday,  Stan had meetings with Crocker communication and Cornerstone  regarding providing ISP service to town buildings.  

Discussion of doing an RFI for an ISP.  

Need volunteers for pole pictures / survey work.  Boy Scouts will work on it, several other volunteers.  

USDA community connect, voted to establish account. Ned will follow-up on

Library Book sale discussion – table was lightly attended.  Ned will send email list to Rich.

Discussion of pole survey work, still to do.   John will contact  Rich to add a call for volunteers on site to do pole survey work. Teams of 2, need a smartphone.   John to send Rich details.
Discussion on holding info sessions, possibly at library, not a hearing. Possible topics:
  • Telemedicine, video, school.
  • G4S presentation on network design
  • Tax assessment consequences, no assessed value changes, positive impact to resale value.   
Phil is working on possible newsletter for mailing – showed format.  Discussed funding for mailing, mailing options.  

Signage discussion – to go up late august.   John K. has a supply lead, will put signup on website.

Ballot initiative  discussion – up to 4 committee members can form it.    Need someone to fill out form, send to town clerk,  set up bank account.    Can ask for donations, put on web site.

Updates from Stan on activity on external web sites that mentioned our recent town meeting approvals.

Stan to check funding for another mailing.  Checked on costs of color printing / rates.  Phil will call for quote.

The 5/14, 5/22, and Hearing minutes were approved

Meeting adjourned  8:35pm

Respectfully submitted,
Ned Utzig