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April 24, 2013
Princeton Broadband  Committee
Meeting Minutes April 24, 2013  7pm  Town Hall Annex

Meeting called to order at 7:06 PM.  Committee Members Present:
John Kowaleski
Steve Cullen
Rich Wagner
Petr Spacek
Ned Utzig
Stan Moss

Review by Steve of hearing #2 earlier in the day.  We had a mix of supporters and opposed residents at the hearing, and a good discussion.

Discussion of appointing Jon to committee, decided to keep him as a participating member.   

Discussion of Jon doing business plan, need to close with Jon on when he would start/finish the plan.

Discussed possible changes to the presentation:

  • Differentiate that raising assessments does not raise taxes in future presentations.
  • Clarify that the new MLP is a non-financial article in the next presentation.  Stan will follow up with Leverett on how they approached this.
  • Remove discussion of warrant for the CAI work at town hall and public safety, put a summary slide together of the warrant items.  John will add a slide.
  • Add item to presentation to explain that the VOIP service is a new box, but existing phones can be used as well as wiring.
  • Possibly add item to mention telemedicine possibilities of proposal.
  • Create smaller, 12 slide max version of slides for use in the Town meeting.
Discussion on ISP costs and oversubscription rates.  Rough computation suggests a 2GB backhaul could support 50MB sustained throughput for average residential use, based on the slick(?) ISP data obtained.