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April 17, 2013
Princeton Broadband Committee
Meeting minutes April 17, 2013

Meeting called to order at 7:05 pm. Committee members present: Steve Cullen, Phil O’Brien, Petr Spacek, Ned Utzig, Bill Dino, and Stan Moss; Dag Olsen, Rich Wagner, John Kowaleski and Michael Cote were not present.
The PBBC discussed the April 9, 2013 initial public hearing/information session – what was discussed and learned, and what changes might be made to the presentation for the next public hearing/information session on April 24. Ned Utzig stated he would write up the minutes/findings from this first session.
The PBBC review draft changes to the presentation made earlier by Phil, Rich and Stan, and edits were proposed and accepted; Stan to make revisions and send to the committee.
Minutes of the March 27, 2013 meeting were approved.
Committee agreed to meet again on Wednesday, March 24, 2013 (evening following the morning continued public hearing/information session) to review what was discussed and learned.
Meeting adjourned at 8:15 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Stan Moss and Steve Cullen