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February 20, 2013
Princeton Broadband Committee
February 20, 2013 meeting minutes       

Meeting called to order at 6:02 pm at PMLD offices. BBC members present were Steve Cullen, John Kowaleski, Petr Spacek, Michael Cote, and Stan Moss. Absent were Bill Dino, Rich Wagner, and Ned Utzig. Also in attendance were Selectwoman Edie Morgan, Town Administrator John Lebeaux, John Shipman of the Advisory Board, and PMLD General Manager Brian Allen.

The purpose and agenda of this session was to meet with representatives of Axia and MBI: Fred Feit of Axia, Herb Nickles of MBI, and Chip Broudeaur of BMC Network Consulting Services
Fred Feit of Axia led a 2 hour discussion, referencing a presentation provided titled “MBI Municipal and Community Anchor Briefing for Princeton” (attached); also provided by Axia was a handout listing MBI-qualified Internet Service Providers.
The discussion was largely of a technical nature.

Additionally, PMLD General Manager Brain Allen presented Town Administrator John Lebeaux with a Memo of Understanding – Fiber Attachment to Utility Poles document stating “…PMLD is willing to work in good faith with the (Broadband) Committee to provide assistance to resolve the town’s need to provide reliable Broadband service by allowing fiber attachment to PMLD utility poles.” This is extremely significant, as it will allow the proposed fiber optic backbone cabling to be installed without significant amounts of “make ready” work (moving Verizon wiring prior to fiber installation) and expense to the town.

Meeting adjourned at 7:57 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Stan Moss and Steve Cullen