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December 12, 2012
Princeton Broadband Committee
December 12, 2012 minutes

Meeting called to order by Chairman Cullen at 7:10 pm in the Town Hall Annex. In attendance: Steve Cullen, John Kowaleski, Dag Olsen, Petr Spacek, Ned Utzig, Rich Wagner, Michael Cote, Bill Dino and Stan Moss. Voted unanimously to approve Dec 6,, 2010 meeting minutes. Chair to submit them to Town Clerk and post to Dropbox.
The committee continued discussions on various infrastructure options The goal is to solidify options to the point where they can be evaluated in terms of broadband speeds, cost, and installation timeframe, and compared to potential ‘commercial’ options (Comcast, Charter, Verizon, etc.).
John Lebeaux had suggested to the committee might want to invite representative from Mass Broadband and/or Axia Networks (MBI network operator/wholesaler) to attend a future Princeton Broadband Committee. The BBC agreed this was a good idea, and asked John Lebeaux to make contact.
Michael suggested building some lists or charts with technical options, potential services and costs, and potential cost defrayment or collaboration possibilities. The BBC briefly discussed this, and thought it worthwhile, but is not ready yet to begin data population.
Just prior to adjourning, Rich submitted a (hardcopy) draft social media communications strategy. The intention of this is to utilize a blog and/or Facebook page to publicize information and gather feedback via a moderated discussion process (the BBC is now well aware they cannot use electronic communications to debate, deliberate, or make decisions outside of their posted public meetings). The committee agreed to discuss this matter at a future meeting, and Stan agreed to copy the Town Clerk and Town Administrator for their possible comments on this.
Meeting adjourned at 9:36 pm.

Respectfully submitted
Stan Moss & Steve Cullen