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November 27, 2012
Princeton Broadband Committee
November 27, 2012 meeting minutes

Meeting called to order at 7:12 pm by Stan Moss as organizing Chair.
Attending were: Steve Cullen, Bill Dino, John Kowaleski, Dag Olsen, Petr Spacek, Ned Utzig, Rich Wagner, and Stan Moss. Michael Cote was traveling and did not attend.
Town Clerk Lynne Grettum formally swore in attending committee members, and distributed Open Meeting Law and Ethics information.
Steve Cullen was elected committee Chair.
Stan gave an overview of the Mass. Broadband Initiative.
Committee members each spoke briefly on aspects of their background and experience that might add value to the committee objective.
The team discussed internet and other source information as to delivery technologies, infrastructure considerations, broad estimations on possible build out costs and other points of note that bear further and deeper investigation as part of this committee’s efforts.
A general discussion concerning:
  • what the committee needed to learn or investigate
  • resources that may be available (example: Shrewsbury Electric Light Company, which built and operates a town fiber to the home Internet infrastructure)
  • initial mission statement, and whether it may evolve
  • committee members to submit their thoughts, information, etc. to Chair Cullen, who will craft the agenda for the next meeting
Committee decided to meet on Thursday nights at 7 pm, weekly in near future, and asked the Chair to post the committee for December 6, 13, 20 and Jan 3. Stan to ask PMLD if their meeting space might be available for committee use.

Meeting adjourned at 8:40 pm.

Submitted by Stan Moss