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2018-10-03 S.B. min.Exec.Sess.

Town of Princeton, Mass. – October 3, 2018
Executive Session Minutes – SELECTBOARD

Executive Session 7:45 PM – In the open meeting, the board voted to go into Executive Session, only to adjourn after the executive session. Selectboard members present were Edith M., Karen C. and Richy B. with T.A. Nina N.

Executive Session

Discussion begin at 7:50 PM (i.e. once public meeting attendees had left the room and a short break).

Executive Session, in accordance with M.G.L. c. 30A, §21: Exemption Two – To conduct strategy sessions in preparation for negotiations with non-union personnel – Police Chief

Following up on the last discussion, Nina presented scenarios for the Selectboard to consider for the Police Chief’s contract renewal. The Police Chief’s request was 2%, 2%, 2% yearly increase with 25% sick time buy back. This proposal has a total estimated cost impact of approximately $26,528. The Selectboard discussed the total estimated impact for the following scenarios:
  • Standard Scenario - 2%, 2%, 2% yearly increase only, having a total estimated impact of $13,456;
  • Option A - 1%, 1%, 1% yearly increase with no sick time buy back, having a total estimated impact of $6,683;
  • Option B - 1%, 1%, 1% yearly increase with 5% sick time buy back, having a total estimated impact of $9,298;
  • Option C - 1%, 1%, 1% yearly increase with 10% sick time buy back, having a total estimated impact of $11,912;
  • Option D - 1%, 2%, 2% yearly increase with no sick time buy back, having a total estimated impact of $10,070; and
  • Option E - 0%, 1%, 2% yearly increase with 10% sick time buy back, having a total estimated impact of $9,677.
The Selectboard and TA discussed all the scenarios. They concluded that the offer should be a 1%, 1%, 1% yearly increase with 5% sick time buy back (“Option B”). This decision was made considering a comparison of police chief salaries in central Massachusetts communities with less than 10,000 for which the results showed that the compensation provided by Princeton was at the higher end. It was also coupled with challenges in budgetary constraints but recognized the Chief and department’s overall good work.

9:44 PM Selectmen closed the executive session with Edith making a motion to adjourn, Richy seconded and in roll call vote they adjourned with Edith, Karen and Richy each saying “aye.”

Respectfully submitted, Nina Nazarian, Town Administrator

S.B. Referenced Documents:  Police Chief salary increase scenarios by Nina.