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2018-04-05 S.B. min. Exec.Sess.

Town of Princeton, Mass. – April 5, 2018
Executive Session Minutes  -  SELECT BOARD

Executive Session

3:25 PM  Selectmen took roll call vote in regular session and opened executive session. The Selectmen discussed the Fire Chief’s contract which expires June 30. Fire Chief John Bennett explained how his full-time job at Flexcon in Spencer has changed under a new CEO, and he is looking into other employment. As he intends to continue residing in Princeton he is searching locally. He noted how he has scaled down some of his business activities.
        Systems have improved with the ambulance staff now in the station, and there are seven F.D. staff active in the station each workday, including six qualified as inspectors where there used to be only one. He said the competency level rises when there’s regular staff and not everyone on-call. This includes grant-writing. His department responds to an average of one call per day. Jon asked about F.D. on-duty staff being available for other tasks, as in the Phil Connors model. The F.D. can help out with facilities maintenance and administrative tasks, John B. agreed.
        John also noted that as far as his contract goes, he would rather see any salary increase (for him) be channeled to his staff. He also agreed to pursue EMT training and certification if and when his work hours decrease. He is proposing a renewal of the same contract for one more year. Nina pointed out that the contract is in a pre-negotiation stage. The S.B. noted all in favor to renew the same contract with the fire chief for one year starting July 1, 2018.

4 PM  Selectmen closed the executive session with Edith making a motion to adjourn, Jon seconded and in roll call vote they adjourned with Jon, Edith and Richy each saying “aye.”

Respectfully submitted, Marie Auger, admin. assist.

BOS Referenced Documents:  Fire Chief’s contract